
Minutes of the Queens Platinum Jubilee planning committee 4 May 2022

Queens Platinum Jubilee Planning Committee Uploaded on June 16, 2022


Drybrook Parish Platinum Jubilee Planning Meeting

 4th May 2022


Present: John Print (JP) (Chair), Cathy Blake (Secretary), Stacey Wakefield (SW), Maxine Williams (MW), Kathy Garland(KG), Sarah Lowe(SL), Rachel Ferris (RF) Matt Reading (MR) (Events & Catering Manager Drybrook Rugby Club)


Welcome: Neil Burue – Pan Tod


  1. Apologies:

Cllr Roy Bardo (RB), Cllr Michael Garland


  1. Matters Arising:





            Stage: Committee need to know about the Stage set up as will need to be         set up by 9am on morning of event.

MW Action – will liaise with RB

            JP Action – will get full costs from RB


MW feedback – had made contact with Choirs, but Steam Mills unable,             Ruardean unable, Ladies Choir already booked, Five Acres School –still       awaiting feedback.

Drybrook School will be singing

SW Action – to find out details and liaise with MW

            MW Action – Fancy Dress Parade, Colouring Competition, & Gazebo – to          follow up


            RF feedbackhad contacted ‘Immediate Studio’ and is awaiting feedback.

Circus – may be possible for ½ day

Birds of Prey and dog Agility a possibility – will follow up

Dene Magna – a contact is needed and MW will try and obtain


SW feedback – Candi Floss machine now purchased (Funded by Drybrook      PTFA

Ceri Large (England Women’s Rugby) has agreed to do Judging for       Competitions etc…..

Natasha ‘Mo’ Hunt (England Women’s Rugby – will be lighting Pant tod            Beacon

SW Action – will message Mo directly to see if she is available for ‘Jubilee       Opening’, as Piers Gilliver (Drybrook Para Olympian) unable to attend for Opening

All Medals now purchased

Union Jack Bunting – kids started, to be completed by last week of term


            SL feedback – First Aid course now booked with GDR Solutions, Newent

Also need to purchase First Kit – £100 to hire for the day


Pan Tod

            NB feedback – Risk Assessment accepted by Forestry England

Funding for Fuel for Beacon in process, and in the process of seeking   Marshalls for Car Parking.

Funding need for a Ride On Mower – NB to speak with either CB or JP to          put forward to Parish Council

JP/CB Action – to raise at next Parish Councill Meeting on 17th May

Queens Official Pagent Master (Bruno Peek) has confirmed lighting of the       Beacon.

KG handed over the Flag for Pan Tod


CB feedback – Jackie Pierce (Pan Tod) contacted, email now correct.     Barrier Tape and Stakes for Pan Tod now purchased & invoice sent to SL

FODDC Jubilee Working Grp emailed to alert Parish Councils to collect 30        x Rubbish Sacks for use at Event

CB Action – to collect for FODDC


Drybrook Rugby Club:

            MR attended meeting, but Rugby Club has been very busy and so not yet         had time to complete items – will update for next meeting.





  1. Chair – Feedback & Update:

            JP feedback – National Jubilee Website Events site, doesn’t seem to be working, had tried to input Event x2, and SL had also tried to add info to           website

            JP Action – will look into and try again, also advised that Pan Tod might          like to add Lighting Beacon event too

JP Action – check Instagram message







            JP Action – Not yet started



            To include: Rugby Demo, Bks, Candi Floss, Cakes, First Aid+Info, Flamin         Edges, Rugby Club Soft Drinks

8 x Art Stalls confirmed

SL Action – to ask whether Art Stalls happy to be in a Marquee, and to look into cost of Hire as this will also ensure Liability – especially for         treasured Art & Paintings etc….

CB Action  – Stalls Info/Prep Letter to be written for all Stall Holders



      Need to be distributed to all schools before half term – ie 27th May

Leaflets to be distributed & Letters sent to Head Teachers. JP has          produced ‘draft letter’ – all agreed OK.

JP Action – to ensure correct numbers for each School. As a quick ‘Head          Count’ for each school it seems we may be a few short – (507 Counted, v      500 Mugs produced)

      JP Action – to contact Mug Company to request a further 20/30 Mugs

      ‘Slips’ for Mugs to go to JP when ready                  



            SL put forward update:


£6,513.18 spent to date

£480 Committed = £180 Music + £300 Inflatables


Total = £6993.18 – leaving



Outstanding Payments to date:

Stage & Bunting for Shops within Drybrook

£500 to Rugby Club (50% Band contribution)


SL requires Invoice from RB for Stage costs

Rugby club Invoice needs to go to SL



            KG to source 500 gold tokens for complimentary food (Flaming            Edges), and to seek ‘Food Contingency’

Start a list of Named Volunteers – CB Action (any potential names to   forward to CB

PTA Instagram Page – add message about Volunteering

Melanie Print – will be making some cakes – ie Victoria Sponge

Posters – SL to send to KG, MW & RF

Queens Jubilee Tart – NB to email ‘how to make’ to JP!

CB – to add NB to Contact List

DONM – 17th May RF to check with Rugby Club?