
Minutes of the Queens Platinum Jubilee planning committee 20 April 2022

Queens Platinum Jubilee Planning Committee Uploaded on June 16, 2022


Drybrook Parish Platinum Jubilee Planning Meeting

 20th April 2022



Present: John Print (JP) (Chair), Cathy Blake (Secretary), Stacey Wakefield (SW), Maxine Williams (MW). Chris Rawlings (CR) (Chairman Drybrook Rugby Club), Matt Reading (MR) (Events & Catering Manager Drybrook Rugby Club)


  1. Apologies:

Cllr Roy Bardo (RB), Cllr Michael Garland (MG), Kathy Garland (KG), Sarah Lowe(SL), Rachel Ferris (RF).


Please note: Lauren Rodway and Louise Bent (Steam Mills Primary School PTA) are no longer able to commit to this Planning Committee


  1. Matters Arising:



            Feedback/Input (agenda Item 5)

            Flag and flag pole wanted by Rugby Club – size and costings to be         researched and fed back to Planning Committee (CR)


Rugby Club has 20+ rugby balls to give away – possibly raffled at Rugby          Club Stall on the day of event.


Rugby Club can offer ‘age related’ 15min Demo slots at Event – MW to liaise with CR for timings throughout the day.


R/Club to still sort out possible use of tractor for  ‘Park & Ride’ from    Rugby Club to School on the day.


CR will look into possible sponsorship/s


R/Club to put forward their poster – similar theme to our Posters. CB to          email CR our Poster and liaise with Essential Gfx


CB to email copy of our Banner to CR and liaise with Essential Gfx so    R/Club can add their own wording directly to Essential Gfx. R/Club

Banner to be included within final invoice for all Banners.


CR proposed 50% contribution from Committee (Parish Council) to     R/Club cost of Band – possibly £500. TBC


R/Club will provide a Soft drinks, T’s & Coffees to purchase Stand for   Event



            Stage: Cover for Stage has already been secured by RB.

MW to speak with RB about the stage cover and also PA system

MW to contact Ruardean Woodside School to see if their children want to        sing/entertain at Event.

MW will also contact Dene Magna School


RF is also making contacts with other contacts for possible involvement          ie, Harrow Hill – Football/Judo, and local circus Groups.


SW said School would be buying a Candi Floss Machine to utilize on the           day

SW noted Gibsons in Coleford now has a lot of Jubilee Flags, memorabilia



            SL to undertake First Aid course


R/Club – CR to let us know about any First Aiders that could help cover            the day



            CB to check Jackie Pierce email contact – email returned.

CB to discuss with Jackie – Barrier tape and Stakes required for Pan Tod

MG has already secured Flag for the Event




            JP will start to put together an Assets List – detailing items of value



            RW already a ‘Planned Itinery’ to start to layout Events during the day             and timings, when all Stalls finalized this can be added to the Itinery –          also liaising with MW



            No update due to SL absence – c/f for next meeting





            Confirmed that Para Olympian Piers Gilliver will host Opening Ceremony        to do short Speech


SW to ask Ceri Large (England women’s Rugby Star) to judge     Competitions – may include cost


JP to add our Celebration Event to the National Jubilee Events website –          will offer National advertising (alongside Ruardean Carnival)


MW to chase Lampost decorations



            Wednesday 4th May 7pm

            Meet at School to have a look at whole area/site, then move to MW           House at Quabbs Hse, Quabbs Road (on the Corner!)