Drybrook Parish Platinum Jubilee Planning Meeting
6 April 2022
Present: John Print (JP) (Chair), Sarah Lowe (SL) (Treasurer), Stacey Wakefield (SW), Rachel Ferris (RF), Kathy Garland (KG), Maxine Williams (MW).
Welcome to: Jackie Pierce, representing The Friends of Pan Todd (Treasurer)
- Apologies
Cllr Roy Bardo, Cllr Cathy Blake, Cllr Michael Garland
- Matters Arising
Information/First Aid Point Gazebo – JP proposed spending £289.95 on a large 4.5M x 3M pop up heavy duty gazebo for use as the central first aid/information point – Agreed Unanimously
Memorial Hall – JP reported on his visit to the Memorial hall and Social club, they have no particular plans at present for the Jubilee weekend, however they do have live music booked for the night of Saturday 4th June.
Portaloos – SW reported that the portaloos are now booked and paid for and a suitable location has been decided upon for their location.
Stage and cover – Subsequent to the discussions at the meeting RB has confirmed that a stage is now booked (Price £400) and he is currently looking into hire of a stage covering. (JP)
- Action – RB to secure a covering for the stage
Entertainment – It was agreed at the meeting that band would be paid to perform, MW confirmed that her band would be available.
JP told the meeting that CANDI street dance would like to perform.
RF and MW agreed to create an itinerary for the day and will contact the various acts.
- Action – RF and MW to collate names of acts and create a programme of events for the day
Flag poles for the rugby club and for the school – after discussion it was decided that if the Rugby Club and School want flag poles and plaques as a lasting memorial of the Queens Platinum Jubilee, they should let us know exactly what it is that they want in the way of size and price and we can then decide if we can afford to do it or not.
- Action – SW to talk to the school and RF to talk to the rugby club.
Face Painting – It was decided that the quote for face painting received by CB was too expensive and that the PTA would consider providing face painting utilizing volunteers
- Action – SW to research ways to provide face painting.
First Aid Cover – It was decided that the quote from GDR solutions to train two first aiders and to provide equipment and radios for the day was the best option. This would be at a cost of £210 per first aid course and £100 for the day to hire the defib, first aid kit and radio direct to clinical advice.
- Action – SL to attend the first aid course and find another first aider or a volunteer to attend the first aid course.
Banners – KG explained that the banner design that they had received was incorrect and that they have asked for a new version to be sent.
- Action – KG to circulate the new design for comment prior to the next meeting.
Straw Bales – Straw bale delivery has now been arranged to storage in Hawthorns road and Hales have kindly agreed to supply a lorry and driver to move the bales on the day.
KG has also organized disposal of the bales after the event.
Volunteers will be required to load and unload the lorry on the day.
- Action – JP to email address and timing details to the committee, for volunteers to assist with loading and unloading bales.
Pan Todd – JP explained that he had spoken with Trevor Roach of the Friends of Pan Todd, and as a result Jackie Pierce was representing them at this meeting.
They will be having a flag raising ceremony at 19.30 on Thursday 2 June, followed by the lighting of the beacon at 20.00.
The request was made that we provide the jubilee flag and that we pay for some barrier tape and ground stakes to assist with roping off the risk area around the beacon.
- Action – KG to find out the price of the large jubilee flag (8’8” x 4’4” with toggle fixings)
- Action – Jackie Pierce to find out the price of barrier tape and ground steaks.
- Treasurers report
Budget | £10,000 |
Spent to date | £2,661.47 |
Predicted spending/allocated money | £4153.96 |
Actual funds remaining | £7338.53 |
Funds remaining minus predicted spend | £3184.57 |
- O.B
Raffle – it was decided that the PTA will run a raffle in aid of the playground refurbishment fund.
- Action – SW to organize a raffle
Prizes – Prizes are required for the Fancy dress, Best dressed gazebo and for the coloring competition, the meeting agreed a budget of approximately £20 per prize
- Action – RF will organize prizes
Stalls – MW asked if the Love Drybrook trust may have a book stand, which was agreed
DONM – 20th April 2022 location tbc
– Action – RF to confirm with CB and JP if the Rugby club will ok with using the club for our next meeting