Minutes of the Meeting – 26th April 2023 Hearts of Oak
1. Present:
John Print (JP) Parish Cllr & Chair, Cathy Blake (CB) Parish Cllr & Secretary, Roy Bardo (RB) Chair Parish Council, Pam Caton (PC) Parish Cllr, Dave Middlemiss (DM) Parish Cllr, Paulette Middlemiss (PM), Sarah Lowe (SL) PTFA, Rachel Ferris (RF) PTFA, Tom Gibson (TG) & Sarah Gibson (SG) – Hearts of Oak, Nick Sattin (NS), Lyn Jones (LJ) ACF Cadets/BT
Phil James (PJ) Drybrook Memorial Hall
2. Acceptance of minutes 19th April March 2023
The Minutes of 19th April Corrections:
Matters Arising: Minutes stated PM to check details for Club 55’s use of the Shop – should read PC (Pam Caton)
Otherwise the Minutes were Accepted.
3. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda
DM stated no response yet from the relevant Bus Companies who had been notified.
Action – DM will chase
LJ gave an update:
• BT Operations agreement/support for us to use the BT Car Park, now awaiting BT property but expecting to get a positive response this week – Operations have said ‘Yes’ though.
• 8 cadets have agreed they will come along plus 2 other adults plus LJ, help has been offered from another detachment so LJ will consider taking up that offer of help too.
• First Aid provision support OK, as long as First Aid ‘Responsible Person/s’ take on the public responsibility – which will be provided by SL & DM.
• Unfortunately, not able to provide Tables & Chairs
• Radios have been ordered.
• Would like to have an adult with the Cadets on the Barriers in case there is an aggravated driver – Barriers will be manned in 3’s – inc 1 x ACF.
• All paperwork has gone through and been approved for Cinderford ACF to come and support the Drybrook Coronation Street Party
Action – LJ will follow up with email as necessary
Car Parking for Committee on the day (aside from the BT Exchange) could also be School, Surgery car park, Shop car park or the Funeral Directors.
PC said that Club 55 and Shop is now all sorted.
MG & KG will be away for the Event – arranged to meet with NW & NS at the Church Hall to show where Tables/Chairs are and to hand over Keys.
Action – MG, KG, NW, NS
TG has now sourced Ice Cream for the Event
MG & KG will need to pass over Medals and Flags, and also Pole Flag to go up on the Jubilee Figure/Railings – JP will keep until Event.
4. Site Layout Logistics & Risk Register (RR)
As now no Tables/Chairs from LJ will need to use as many from Church as possible – 50x fold up chairs & 20 x Child chairs.
NW could do a booking and see what happens – but would be at a cost of £700? RB noted there is still a Budget contingency if necessary.
Could use Tables/Chairs from School as fall-back – SL will speak with Head.
SL has sourced Helium & Whistles
CB has sourced Union Jack Table coverings as well as Banqueting Roll, plus some other Balloons and table décor to hold Balloons.
DM suggested putting the Bunting up on Friday 5th
5. Task List/Rota –Update
NW had completed another ‘Version’ – highlighting Completed Tasks in Green.
Other Tasks discussed – nearing completion:
Splat the Rat – made, but just needs painting. All Agreed the Prize to be £2 Cash & a Float will be made available
Hoopla ‘blocks’ will be made by Chris Blake – ready for next meeting Strike – Making a ‘Bucket Toss’ Stall
Hook a Duck Stall – First Steps Toddlers Grp – now completed
Action – MW will organise Stall signs, Instructions & Floats
Road Closure Legal Notification Notice will need to go out near the road closure tomorrow (Thursday 27th April), and will also go onto Website
Action – DM & JP
Delivery of Leaflets to households already arranged, MW suggested writing a list of where they’ve been dropped.
JP has already dropped at Morse Rd, Hollow & Ruardean
LJ will complete a briefing for ACF
Action – DM will send copy to LJ
Tables & Chairs will be returned at end of Event
Action – NS
CB has all the Hi-Vis Jackets
All to clear away at end of Event for road Opening at 6pm
Friday 5th May:
Meet at 14:00hrs at the Pub for those who can to help set out/put up:
Mark out Site areas
Flag up on Jubilee Figure/Railings
Tables & Chairs collected to be stored at the Pub
Action – NW will Amend/Update Task/Rota List as necessary
6. Entertainment Update
MW discussed Entertainments; all OK, and will send out final email to ensure car parking noted, most will be able to do a car share to limit number of cars.
Trickey Mickey (TM) scheduled for 15:00 – 16:00 will need to get vehicle near, to get all his gear over the wall.
Action – MW will send all Final Info to Entertainers
7. Media/Marketing Update:
Main Banner already up on Railings
Some Flyers still to be delivered.
Info is already on Facebook, plus others have also shared on social Media – ie Band & Choir.
Action – CB to contact Jake at Review/Forester
8. H&S – Risk Assessments, & Event Safety Management Plan Update:
DM had noted a couple of amendments, will also include and add ACF
Action – DM to update as necessary
9. Public Toilets
Discussed usage of Public Toilets:
JP will act as ‘Bog Squad’ during event – making checks to ensure clean, tidy & usable
Storage area has replacement T.Rolls
Toilets will be opened by Judy (Cleaner) – open at 10am, Close at 18:00pm
JP will also collect a set of Keys from MG plus Judy’s Tel number.
SG is also happy to look at toilets at the end of Event – if necessary will clean on the Sunday – as unsure if Judy (Cleaner) will clean on the Monday due to being a Bank Hol.
Actions – JP & SG
10. Treasurer Report – Finance/Expenditure -Update
Expenditure £1248.51
Leaving £1751.49
Still need to budget for Barriers @ £150
Band, Trickey Mickey, Male Voice Choir and Ladies Choir
Action – All to give SL any Costs/Invoices ASAP
11. A.O.B
DM asked about the Quiz Prize – All Agreed £50 Pub Voucher – can be organised with SG. Quiz entries to be ‘posted’ on day and Winner agreed at later date.
MG will drop off Flags, Medals & Hanger & Pole Flag to JP’s house (possibly Mon)
CB will be receiving Refuse bags from FODDC this week & will need to contact Council to state the Pick up point (Parish Council Car Park)
LJ is doing a St Georges Day Event with ACF – using an open-sided trailer to offer ‘goody items’ etc… a recruitment campaign, and suggested this would also be a good idea for the Event – if possible Yes!
12. DONM
3rd May 2023 @ 8pm Hearts of Oak
Meeting Closed 9.05pm