
King Charles III Coronation Committee Meeting 3 May 2023

King Charles III Coronation Committee Uploaded on May 17, 2023


Minutes of the Meeting – 3rd May 2023 Hearts of Oak

1. Present:
John Print (JP) Parish Cllr & Chair, Cathy Blake (CB) Parish Cllr & Secretary, Roy Bardo (RB) Chair Parish Council, Pam Caton (PC) Parish Cllr, Dave Middlemiss (DM) Parish Cllr, Paulette Middlemiss (PM), Sarah Lowe (SL) PTFA, Rachel Ferris (RF) PTFA, Tom Gibson (TG) & Sarah Gibson (SG) – Hearts of Oak, Nick Sattin (NS), Lyn Jones (LJ) ACF Cadets/BT

Sue Heaven & Jane White Holy Trinity (HT) Church Wardens

Mike Garland (MG) Parish Cllr & Kathy Garland (KG)

2. Acceptance of minutes 26th April March 2023
Minutes Accepted

3. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda:

Inclement Weather!!
Discussed a Staged Degradation – All Agreed:
• Stage 1
• Not shut the Road, or put Table & Chairs out
• Not to use Bouncy Castles
• Place BBQ under cover
• If full ‘Wet Weather’ set for the day – unfortunately would have to cancel, as a last decision.
• Stage 2
• Secure further Gazebos – DM has a Marquee & Scouts Shelters for use (DM will pick up on Friday) + use of PC Santa’s Grotto. If needed SL has a Gazebo for use – but needs pegs.
• CB has key for ‘Salt Storage’ in PC car park if Salt bags needed for Gazebos
• LJ may be able to collect a Gazebo for use – will check
• As much as possible put Stalls/Games under cover
• SG suggested Bouncy Castles Generator would need to be under cover – SG will contact to check
• NW suggested could set -up Tables & Chairs on Friday
• If weather gets too bad – pack up early

Other Matters Arising:
DM stated no response yet from the relevant Bus Companies who had been notified.
Info about Road closure is on Facebook, with Stage Coach in particular also showing the info – but not other Bus Companies
SG stated there was to be a ‘Presentation Evening’ at the Rugby club – which will include the Road closure.
DM noted it will be an offence to cross the ‘Closure Barriers’ – will be outlined during Stewards Briefing – inc to ACF. He also has 10 x Cones for use.
LJ said the Cadets are all ready; radios ordered, Licence to use BT Exchange Car Park approved, Keys will be needed. Email forwarded to JP but had no response to date
NW has the keys for the Church Hall for collection of Tables/Chairs
MW has completed all ‘Stall Signs’, Floats & Tables required.
DM still to complete the Final ‘Briefing’ & will send to LJ
NS will contact Judy (Public Toilet unlocking/locking) as only lives next door

4. Tables/Chairs – Final Numbers
Methodist Church donating use of 4 Tables with Chairs
13 x Tables & 26 Benches will be arriving on Friday – unsure of time, but will be stored at Pub
NS will bring Trailer on site on Friday ready for Table/Chair collection – Barriers are already on trailer
NW will bring Blue paper roll & Towels – wipe down tables/chairs etc…..

5. Site Layout Logistics & Risk Register (RR)
JP suggested a ‘Learning Point’ – Wet Weather Contingency to be discussed/agreed much earlier
NW pointed out that the booking of the Memorial Hall was included in the Minutes of 6th Feb

6. Task List/Rota – Agree Final Version
All mostly ready for Friday set-up @ 2pm (those who can help with set-up to meet at Pub)
NS will collect 30 x chairs and 3 x tables from Hales on Friday
Return of tables/chairs:
Methodist Church – Saturday eve post Event
Holy Trinity Church Hall – to be returned Saturday eve post Event
Hales – to be returned on Tuesday 9th
Closure signs/Barriers – to be returned on Tuesday 9th

School Car park will be policed/monitored
DM will brief all Stewards + ACF
ACF will hand out Flyer programmes, Medals & Flags

7. Entertainment – Final
MW will give final detail/info to all Entertainers
MW ran through the ‘running order’ for the Opening Ceremony which she will cover over the PA system

8. Media/Marketing Update:
JP will update Website
CB will contact Forester/Review – to request attendance if possible
Noted that more Hard copy Flyers/Leaflets needed to cover the Parish, but there are still 150 left to hand out on the day
RB said it has also been advertised on Dean Radio

9. H&S – Risk Assessments, & Event Safety Management Plan Update:
DM will up date accordingly

10. Treasurer Report – Finance/Expenditure -Update

Expenditure £1930.18
Leaving £1069.82

Includes everyone up-to-date
Ladies Choir have stated they do not require a Fee
Brierley have contacted JP to ask about a Donation of a Gazebo from the PC
DM will look at costs for another 3 x 4.5m Gazebos – possible next day delivery
HT Church have given a £100 donation – will be used as part payment for Ice Creams and £50 Pub Voucher to the winner of the Quiz.

Action – All to give SL any outstanding Costs/Invoices ASAP

11. A.O.B
SG – will play by ear on whether to do BBQ or not, Ice cream can come from the Bar + Food Bar Service if necessary.
JP will also bring Towels to use as ‘wipe down’
Sue & Jane (Church Wardens) request to please count out and count in Church chairs, and will ask Clare (Reverend) to do an ‘Opening Prayer’ at 3pm

12. DONM

‘Wash Up’ mtg 17th May 2023 @ 7pm Hearts of Oak – Beer & Pizzas!

Meeting Closed 9.00pm