
King Charles III Coronation Planning meeting 17 May 2023

King Charles III Coronation Committee Uploaded on May 23, 2023


Minutes of the Final Meeting 17th May 2023 Hearts of Oak

1. Present:
John Print (JP) Parish Cllr & Chair, Cathy Blake (CB) Parish Cllr & Secretary, Mike Garland (MG) Parish Cllr & Kathy Garland (KG), Dave Middlemiss (DM) Parish Cllr & Paulette Middlemiss (PM), Nigel Williams (NW) & Maxine Williams (MW), Sarah Lowe (SL) PTFA, Sarah Gibson (SG) – Hearts of Oak, Nick Sattin (NS), Lyn Jones (LJ) ACF Cadets/BT

Sarah Mace – Volunteer

Roy Bardo (RB) Chair Parish Council, Pam Caton (PC) Parish Cllr, Rachel Ferris (RF) PTFA, Tom Gibson (TG) Hearts of Oak

2. Acceptance of minutes 3rd May 2023
Minutes Accepted

3. Precis Points:
How did the ‘Kings Coronation Event’ meet our Expectations?

• What worked well on day of Event –
What would it take to replicate or build on our successes for any future Events?

The day’s Event was fully discussed, and overall it was agreed the Event met the Committee’s expectations – especially considering the weather on the day – with an approx. attendance of over 400 people. Some noted verbal feedback given stated – “It was the biggest gathering ever seen in Drybrook”,
With the weather not dampening peoples spirits, nor putting people off to come out and attend.

The attendance and support of the Army Cadet Force (AFC) – Cinderford worked really well, with feedback stating they all had a good time and the Event gave them a sense of responsibility. ACF would also like to be involved with any future Events.
Recorded thanks to LJ and all the ACF in attendance

The ACF gave out the Programme Flyers and Medals – with the Medals in particular, very well received, 2 of which have gone with the family back to France! One Medal was misplaced on the day and returned.

The Hearts of Oak also stated a successful Event – SG said “it was a great community spirit, with no negatives at all”.
The winner of the Coronation Quiz was won by a local resident who was very pleased to win and the £50 pub voucher prize was spent last Saturday!
Recorded thanks to Hearts of Oak

There were no Health & Safety issues for such a public Event – due to the comprehensive Safety Management Plan and Risk Assessments in place.
Templates to be used for any future Events.
Recorded thanks to DM

The Entertainment and Entertainers were also a success. This was due to the early bookings, and management by MW
Letters of ‘thanks’ went to all Entertainers
Recorded thanks to MW

Advertising and Marketing was also successful: using Social Media, Flyers, Banner & Village Bunting Decoration on the Day.
Several ‘Likes’ to the 25 ‘Event photos’ were posted via the Parish Council (PC) website

Building on our success for any future Events:

• Setting up/creating a ‘Parish Events Committee’
• Engaging more/better Community Involvement
• Creating a time-lined ‘Events Calendar’ to cover all Parish Events – enabling the community to see all Events over any one-year. This could be hosted by the Parish Council ‘Events’ website page.

• What didn’t work well on day of Event –
What would it take to prevent or mitigate the obstacles we ran into – What needs to improve – What further support do we need for future Events?

NW felt there were perhaps ‘gaps’ that emerged from the Task Rota List and the ‘Post Event Tasks’:
• Some in ‘reserve’ on the day didn’t realise and/or know of the Rota. But, overall most Stewards/Volunteers kept to the allocated task/time slots, with some exchange of tasks and/or timings happily agreed.
• The PTFA had limited staff to man the Stall and were unable to complete Rota Tasks, but there were plenty of willing Volunteers to cover all the Rota Tasks.
• The post Event Tasks were ‘just carried out’ by a few key people – especially DM and NS
Recorded thanks to DM & NS
Recorded thanks also to NW for all the Logistics

• NB: Even the most well planned Task List & Rota can be adapted to suit on the day

• The Road Closure info was missed/not known by one Stage Coach Bus driver who was let through

• Due to the weather contingency, extra Gazebos were required at late notice – donated by the Scouts (Nailsworth, Stroud)

Noted improvements for future Events:
• Advertising/Marketing – Flyers ran out; so need to allocate a higher number, especially to include the outer Hamlets of the Parish such as Brierely
• Ensure any Banners are sized to fit the location. (The railings Banner wasn’t measured to fit the railings)
• Photos were taken on the day by various members of the Committee, but it was agreed to engage with an ‘official photographer’ for future Events. CB had asked The Forester newspaper to attend, but this was not possible – although photos were sent post Event and put online. LJ noted that all ACF have ‘photo consent’ in place.

4. Treasurer Report:

Total Expenditure: £2291.22

Leaving: £708.78

It was agreed to Donate £100 to the Scouts for the use of their extra Gazebos ACF were given a Donation from the Pub Raffle

The Shop on the Cross (serving Teas & Coffee) took £30
The Soft Toy Raffle took £85 – proceeds to Shop on the Cross, as all toys were supplied by the Shop
Splat the Rat, Roll a Penny and Hoopla stalls took at total of £11.10

SL will collate the accounts and receipts and send to JP/CB
The sum of £608.78 will be returned to the Parish Council.

5. A.O.B

Discussions took place for the Drybrook Parish Christmas Lights
• Drybrook PC would like to stage a ‘Christmas Event’ – as usual – on the first Saturday in December – 2nd 2023
• This may need to be scaled down due to cost and legally required refurbishment of the current electrical installation. Assessment is being carried out by the PC
• SG said that 6 x Stalls (to be sited at Hearts of Oak as last year) had already been booked
• SG discussed other Hearts of Oak Events and is already formulating plans for a ‘Summer Family Fun Day’ to be held on August 27th. It was suggested this could help fundraise for the Christmas Lights.
• Another Event hosted by Hearts of Oak to help fundraise could be an Auction – DM would be happy to act as Auctioneer
• SG also said about the possibility of a ‘Harvest Festival’ during September or October 2023
• SL said Drybrook School would also be looking to offer a Scarecrow Trail and Easter Egg Hunt for 2024.


Overall, the Kings Coronation Event was a great success – despite the weather – and also ran within budget

The current committee members would be happy to continue to support other Parish Events in the future.

Drybrook Parish Council would like to extend a huge ‘Thank you’ to all non-council committee members and other Volunteers for their commitment and support for King Charles III Coronation Event.

Meeting Closed 8.30pm