
King Charles III Coronation Committee meeting 25 January 2023

King Charles III Coronation Committee Uploaded on March 7, 2023








Minutes of the Meeting – 25th January 2023 at the Hearts of Oak



John Print (JP) (Parish Councilor & Chair), Mike Garland (MG) Parish Councilor, Kathy Garland (KG), Maxine Williams (MW), Nigel Williams (NW) Sarah Lowe (SL), Rachel Ferris (RF), Dave Middlemiss (DM), Paulette Middlemiss (PM), Tom Gibson (TG – Hearts of Oak), Nick Statin (NS), Pam Caton PC Parish Councilor) Jess Woolley (JW) & Roy Bardo (RB Chair of Parish Council).

  1. Apologies: Cathy Blake (CB) (Parish Councillor)

  Sarah Gibson (SG) (Hearts of Oak)

  1. Election of Officers – JP opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. JP asked for volunteers to take up the key committee positions, the following were agreed:

Chair – John Print

Secretary – Cathy Blake

Treasurer – Sarah Lowe

  1. Street Party Date – JP asked for clarification on the date we wish to hold the street party. The Palace has indicated the Sunday 7th for a ‘Big Lunch’ event.  NW read out the information available from the palace, he also advised that there is a coronation ‘Big Lunch’ web page, which provides some guidance.

After some discussion weighing up the pros and cons of having the street party on the Saturday, 6th May instead of the 7th, it was agreed that the street party would be held on the 6th after the coronation probably running from around 3pm to 6pm, with the Hearts of Oak’s celebrations probably starting somewhat earlier and finishing later than this.  In addition, it was agreed that:

  • The theme would be a ‘street party’.
  • We would seek to provide entertainment, but not free food or drink.
  • The details of the format and layout would be discussed at a subsequent meeting, once we have more clarity on what entertainment would be available/provided.

  1. Activities – DM read out from the previous meeting notes regarding what the Hearts of Oak had agreed to provide. JW agreed to contact her events group members to ascertain if any would like to attend the street party, these included outside caterers, fun fair rides, sweet shops etc.  Any additional catering/stalls would be deconflicted with the Hearts of Oak – Action JW/DM

  1. Budget – JP explained that the parish council would not be able to afford to provide the level of financial support similar to that provided for Jubilee celebration; it is likely that financial support be limited to a maximum of around £3k. JP asked all members to send known projected costs to SL – Action ALL

  1. Entertainment – It was agreed that MW would book:

Drybrook Male Voice Choir     £60

Drybrook Ladies Choir            £?

Drybrook School Choir          no charge

AW Parker and Drybrook Band less than £350

Forest of Dean Mummers charity donation

Tricky Mickey  magic show & punch and Judy 60 mins  £250

Forest of Dean Morris Dancers mins  £100

And look into possibility of booking a covers band from Drybrook and the Dance group from Candi – Action – MW


  1. Road closure – DM agreed to apply for a road closure from the Cross to just before Quabbs road – Action DM


  1. Program – JP asked how the plan for day should like, SL stated that the kids need to be kept entertained as the parents would take them home if was not enough to keep them active. DM suggested that we could setup kids’ zone and provide a site map.  JW asked could we get a fair to attend that would keep the children interested. – Action JW/DM to explore options


  1. Marketing – JP request that discussions regarding marketing are held over until the next meeting on the 8th of Feb. All agreed – Action CB to add to the agenda


  1. AOB

Tables & Chairs – NS asked if there were sufficient tables and chairs available, JP suggested that we might be able to borrow them from various organisations, including the school, to be discuss at a future meeting.

Insurance – MW asked about insurance for the street party, it was agreed that Public Liability should be purchased, NW advised that it could cost around £150. – Acton RB to get quotes


Safety Plan – JP confirm that an Event Safety Management Plan will need to be created – Action



Meeting closed at 2045hrs


DONM – 8th February @ 8:00pm at the Hearts of Oak pub