Drybrook Parish Council believes that Health & Safety performance is an integral part of the efficient and cost effective discharge of its duties and is fully aware of its responsibilities under the “Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974” and other statutory provisions. The Parish Council therefore intends to meet those responsibilities as far as isreasonably practicable by incorporating good health & safety management within all its operations.
The objective of the Parish Council policy is to minimise risks to health, safety and welfare of its employees, Parish Councillors, voluntary workers, general public and others affected by its activities and to minimise risks to the environment. All reasonable measures will be taken to ensure that a safe working and community environment is created.
The Council will take the necessary steps to fulfil its statutory duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and subsequent legislation made under that Act. This will also apply to Approved Codes of Practice being followed, Health and Safety Executive guidance and procedures of best practice. Particular attention is given to the provision and maintenance of:
- Safe plant, equipment and systems of work
- Safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage & transport of articles and substances
- Information, instruction, training and supervision to avoid hazards and encourage employees to contribute to their own health and safety
- Safe place of work, access to and egress from
- Healthy working environment
- Adequate workplace facilities
- Suitable and sufficient risk assessments identifying hazards in order to determine means and remove or mitigate risks to employees or others
The Council expects its members and employees to recognise their personal responsibilities in taking care of their own health & safety and that of others. Such co-operation will confirm a commitment to their carrying out of this policy and assist the Council in meeting its obligations.
The policy will be kept up to date and will be reviewed annually.
It is the duty of the Chairman ensure operations, including those carried out by contractors on behalf of the Council are as far as is reasonably practicable, undertaken in accordance with statutory requirements.
Day to day responsibility rests with the Chairman or the Clerk or any other person so appointed by the Council.
Parish Clerk
It is the duty of the Parish Clerk to ensure that the Parish Council complies with the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all Approved Codes of Practice relevant to councils’ operations. The clerk will ensure:
All employees and councillors have the opportunity to participate in the development of good working practices, have all relevant documentation relating to Health and Safety available, receive training where relevant and are provided with the necessary information to undertake their duties safely
All necessary personal protective equipment is provided to employees, that they are trained in its use and proper maintenance and storage
All staff and councillors set a high standard of health and safety management and ensure all contractors comply with the necessary health and safety standards and request a copy of their public liability insurance cover.
Duties and Responsibilities of Parish Councillors
All Parish Councillors are jointly responsible for the implementation of this Health & Safety Policy, for monitoring the day-to-day administration of the Parish Council’s affairs and ensuring that all insurance policies are in date. In doing so, they will ensure that:
- A copy of this policy is circulated to all employees and voluntary workers on appointment. Opportunity will be given, if requested, to discuss this policy on an individual basis to ensure that it is fully understood and implemented;
- The Parish Council’s activities are monitored to ensure that the objectives of the Health & Safety Policy are being complied with;
- Contracts of employment include compliance with statutory and company health, safety & environmental requirements;
- All staff have adequate competence and training for carrying out their specific jobs and for ensuring the health, safety and welfare of themselves and those around them;
- Employees and voluntary workers are aware of the hazards which may exist within the operation of their tasks, and that they fully understand and observe all aspects of the Parish Council’s Health & Safety Policy;
- No employee or voluntary worker shall be engaged in any work activity where technical knowledge orexperience is necessary to prevent danger or injury unless he or she possesses such knowledge orexperience, or is under supervision of a competent person having regard to the nature of the work;
- Safe methods of work are adopted at all times:
- All suppliers comply with Section 6 of the Health & Safety at Work Act in supplying articles and substances that are safe and without risk to health when properly used and to provide information to enable them to be properly used;
- Any accidents arising out of the Parish Council’s activities are recorded, reported and investigated.
- Regular inspections of equipment are carried out and necessary records
Duties and Responsibilities of all Employees and Voluntary Workers
- Employees and voluntary workers have a responsibility to conform to the Parish Council policy and with the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated
- Employees and voluntary workers have a statutory duty to take reasonable care of the safety and health of themselves and others who may be affected by their acts or omissions and to cooperate with the Council to enable it to fulfil statutory obligations. They should also ensure that they are physically fit and technically responsible for the work requested of them.
- Employees and voluntary workers have responsibility for properly using any safety devices involved in their work. They will not recklessly interfere with or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety and welfare.
- All accidents and near miss incidents shall be reported to the Parish Clerk and recorded on a Parish Council accident form as soon after the event as possible. Employees and voluntary workers will also cooperate with the management in investigating all accidents and near misses.
- Employees and voluntary workers must request assistance or advice about any area of work that they are not familiar with.
Duties and Responsibilities of all Contractors
All Contractors and Sub-Contractors are to comply with the following rules. Acceptance of the contract will imply acceptance of these rules.
The Safety Policy of Drybrook Parish Council will be provided to all contractors.
- They will be required to abide by the Safety Policy of Drybrook Parish Council for all their operations whilst contracting to Drybrook Parish Council. Any issues or conflict that may arise during the course of the contract must be highlighted immediately to Parish Council Clerk.
- The methods of operation used by contractors must take account of the health and safety of their own and other employees and they must take all reasonable steps to reduce the likelihood of harm to both site workers and members of the public.
- All electrical tools and equipment must be regularly inspected and tested and removed from service if any faults are discovered (every 3 months for equipment used on installation or service work).
- All mains power tools must compile with the specific site health & safety rules pertaining to the use of electric power tools while on site. All practice electrical power tools must be maintained in good condition and comply with any relevant British Standard.
- Any hazardous material brought onto the site must be used and stored in accordance with Approved Codes of Practice, its Hazard Data Sheet, or other relevant guidance.
- Contractors will be responsible for First Aid facilities and welfare facilities for their own employees unless arrangements have been made with Parish Clerk and confirmed in writing.
- Contractors are expected to comply with any reasonable requests from the Parish Clerk on matters relating to health, safety and welfare.
- Contractors have responsibilities to ensure that their work areas are kept free of unnecessary waste and debris and that all access and gangways are kept clear.
- Personal Protective Equipment in accordance with guidance issued by HSE or other relevant bodies, or at the request of the Parish Clerk or a Parish Council representative must be worn by contractors at all times whilst on site except in areas which have been officially designated as “no risk”.
- Contractors who are carrying out operations which are either highly specialised or carry a higher-than-normal level of risk will be expected to submit a Method Statement accompanied by evidence of their competence and / or qualifications in that field.
- All electrical equipment must have a valid Portable Appliance Test
- The contractor must carry public liability insurance of £5,000,000.
- Contractors must provide written risk assessments and method statements where necessary, before commencing work for or on behalf of the Parish Council.
- Contractors have suitable and sufficient Personal Protective Equipment for the work being undertaken.
- All accidents or incidents must be reported to the Parish Clerk.
Duties and Responsibilities to all Visitors
The Parish Council owes a duty of care to visitors to the Parish Council controlled areas of the village. ParishCouncillors will ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that safe access is available and that areas are maintained in a safe condition.
The Council is involved in a large number of diverse activities, and it is not realistic to produce policies for individual tasks. Therefore this document reflects the widest application to include all members and employees.
Accident Reporting
The Parish Clerk must be notified immediately if an accident occurs to anyone whilst on Parish Council business. This includes Parish Councillors, employees, voluntary workers, visitors, contractors etc. The Parish Clerk will provide a numbered accident form which must be completed and returned to the Parish Clerk.
The Parish Clerk will ensure that the requirements of RIDDOR (The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) are complied with.
Where required, the Parish Clerk will instigate the investigation of accidents and near misses when required and remedial actions recommended to the Parish Council where necessary.
Display Equipment
Employees are to complete the Parish Council DSE Assessment Form, and this will be reviewed annually. Any issues relating to the DSE Assessment must be reported to the Chair or nominated councilor responsible for Health & Safety.
Electrical Equipment
All electrical equipment shall be maintained and inspected in accordance with the Electricity At Work Regulations.
Only electrical equipment provided by the Council should be used and electric points must not be overloaded by means of multi-adaptors. All mains should be switched off when not in use, and where possible plug tops removed from sockets overnight and at weekends.
Leads from points for various desk uses should not present a hazard by trailing across areas of access. Extension leads are for temporary use only and should not exceed 10 feet in length.
Defective equipment must never be used. No person should attempt to effect repairs to electrical equipment, unless competent to do so.
Enforcement agency
The enforcement agency for Local Authorities is the Health & Safety Executive. Any site visit carried out by Statutory Inspectors shall be coordinated with the full co-operation of Parish Councillors, and the Clerk, and any recommendations carried out as soon as reasonably practicable.
First Aid
First Aid will be undertaken by a Council appointed person who has the requisite training and skills in first aid.
Hazardous Substances
Before using a product hazardous to health, identified by a hazardous substance symbol all persons must ask the Clerk for the Hazard Data Sheet.
The Clerk will NOT allow the use of such products without having first obtained a safety data sheet from the supplier and having a COSHH assessment completed.
All employees and Councillors will receive formal induction training as soon as practicable after taking up their post with the Council.
Inspections & Documentation Review
A quarterly inspection of village assets will be carried out and the findings recorded. Any serious defects / items forattention must be actioned immediately. Activity risk assessments, the health and safety policy document and all other health and safety documentation will also be reviewed annually taking into account any changes in personnel, procedural or physical changes.
Drybrook Parish Council will ensure that all relevant health and safety legislation relevant to its operations, undertaking and activities are compiled with.
Provision and Use of Work Equipment
If equipment provided by the Parish is damaged or faulty then the employee is responsible for the immediate return or report of such equipment to the employer for repair or replacement (Provision and use of Work Equipment Regulations) to the Parish Clerk. If the equipment is lost or damaged through negligence, there is an onus on the employee to report such loss or damage immediately to the Parish Clerk.
Procurement of Materials, Equipment & Contractors
Anyone who purchases or hires materials, equipment or contractors on behalf of the Parish Council must ensure that they have read and fully understand this health and safety policy.
Risk Assessments
Risk assessments will be coordinated by the Parish Clerk for all public areas and village assets controlled by the Parish Council. These assessments will be recorded, monitored and reviewed where necessary.
The Parish Council Clerk alongside the Chair or nominated councilor will ensure that all Parish Council activities of significant risk are risk assessed, these will reviewed on an annual basis or if there has been a change in the process or tasks.
All suppliers are asked to provide full information on any hazards associated with the equipment or materials supplied and any precautions required. This information must then be passed on to the Parish Clerk in order for it to be recorded.
Violence/Personal Safety
So as to avoid violence and aggression from members of the public or contractors, all employees and Parish Councillors should avoid getting into a confrontational situation.
Always remain polite, but back off from situations that are potentially dangerous. Any incidents should be reported to the Parish Clerk who may call the police if it is considered necessary.