
Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on April 2, 2024




Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2024 at 7.00pm at The School Room, Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook


Parish Councillors:       John Print (Chairman), Richard Moore, Pam Caton, Jacky Johnston, Malcom Jones, Dave Middlemiss, Michael Garland.

Also present:               County Councillor Terry Hale

                                   District Councillor Jackie Fraser

                                   Charlotte Matthews (Locum Clerk)

                                    22 members of the public


1)         Apologies for absence

              Cllr Cathy

2)         Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)

Item 1) to make everyone aware of a barn dance being held at the Memorial Hall on the following Saturday.

Item 2) was to report an issue with a sink hole near Hawthorns Lane, Drybrook.

Item 3) was a question of ownership for the Brierly Field. The member of the public asked if this was now a responsibility of Drybrook Parish Council. Whether Dogs were allowed to be exercised on the field. And who the legal owners of the field were.

3)         County & District Councillor Reports

County Councillor informed Council that the County Council had set their budget for the following year, that there had been some issues with flooding at the quarry site and that the culvert was being renewed and that drains were to be sorted by Drybrook School.

District Councillor reported that the carpark adjacent to the Pharmacy was being discussed as a potential site for reconfiguration with planting of shrubs and seating being installed. There would be small grants required with volunteers to complete the required works.

4)         Declarations of Interests


5)         Requests for Dispensations


6)         Minutes of the Meeting held on 20th February 2024

It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting, as an accurate record of the meetings, and were signed by the Chairman.

7)         Planning matters

  1. P0074/24/FUL – 36 Hazel Road, Drybrook, Gloucestershire, GL17 9EP. Erection of a single storey extension with associated works. No objection
  2. P0220/24/FUL – Land At Larksfield Road, Harrow Hill, Glos, Variation of condition 10 (native species hedgerow) of Planning Permission P1182/21/FUL to reword the condition to read as No later than the first planting season following completion of the approved development, a new laurel hedge shall be planted and thereafter maintained in accordance with drawing no. 20.969.500, – No objection
  3. P0140/24/FUL – Caravan And Camping Site, Greenway Farm, Hawthorns Road, Drybrook. Erection of 3 chalets and 3 shepherd huts with associated works (Retrospective) – No objection
  4. P0182/24/FUL – Garden Of Sunray, Baptist Way, Ruardean Hill, Gloucestershire. Variation of conditions 02 (approved plans) and discharge of conditions 03 (site investigation) and 04 (CMS) of planning permission (P1348/21/FUL) – No objection

The council noted the decision made by the planning authority.


            8)      Public toilets

            It was resolved that the council will get a legionella test of the water systems within the toilets.

      9)    ROSPA report for the playing area

               It was noted that the report had showed works required with 2 major risks for the swings. It was also noted that due to those risks the swings were removed for safety.

     10)        Grants.

              Grant 1) it was resolved that a s137 spend of £250 would be awarded to Dean Magna for a holiday trip for children that would otherwise be unable to attend.

              Grant 2) was not awarded as the council had no power of spending authority to award the grant.

      11)    Councillor updates


               Parish Noticeboards.

               It was resolved that the parish Council would purchase the required noticeboards, with the  addition of a free standing one for the Brierly area.

             Update from Road Safety Group

            The school children were preparing posters for speed awareness in the village. That parking outside the school was still an issue and that the matter should be reported to the highways department. To be actioned by the locum clerk

              Brierly playing field.

              It was resolved that the council would look into the responsibilities of the field and that there would be a public meeting held for the residents of Brierley to discuss the option of becoming trustees of the Brierly playing fields. This would be held on the night of the Parish meeting on the 14th of May. Locum clerk to action.

              Precept for 2024/25

            Council resolved to publish a public statement about why the precept this year had risen.

12)       Councillor reports

              Cllr Jonston asked about the Forestry work and whether they were reinstating the tracks.

              Cllr Garland asked about whether some of the Telephone exchange could be used as carparking for the school to alleviate the parking issues on the main road outside of the school and whether the Traffic orders could be enforced. Locum clerk to action.

13)        Clerk’s Report

              The Clerk reported that:

              The council had received a Freedom of Information request from a member of the public.

That the audit conducted had gone well and showed that the council had carried out a lot of             work to ensure that they were doing things correctly.

 18)        Finance

              The locum clerk had given the council a summary of the Internal Audit Report which had given the council a few items to include. It was resolved that these items would be completed as soon as possible for council consideration.

               The council resolved to agreed the following payment schedule.


Payments made since last meeting.

Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
Big Box, Little Box Rent for storage unit SO () £130.00 LGA 1972 s111 Repairs/Maint/Misc
April Seabrook Salary BACS


£660.50 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
EE Mobile phone DD £26.40 LG(FP)A 1963 s5 Repairs/Maint/Misc
TOTAL £816.90

Payments to be agreed at meeting.

Payee Details Method Amont Power Budget
N Baker Cleaning public toilets

September – December

BACS £240.00 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
N Baker Cleaning public toilets

Upto and including March

BACS £180.00 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
Betty Norman Opening of Toilets BACS £300.00 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
PATA Wages preparation BACS £594.00 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
Amazon Stationary BACS £43.15 Office Costs
Medicare Sanitation Bin BACS £230.26 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
Eon Electricity


D.D £15.92 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
Water Plus Water supply D.D £64.40 LGA 1972 s111 Toilets
HMRC Staff Costs BACS £59.56 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
HMRC Staff Costs


BACS £9.31 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
Total £1736.60



09/02/24 Interest                                            £33.49

19/02/24 Credit from Eon                                            £119.97

                The council resolved to agree the reconciled statement.

                The chairman signed the monthly financial check sheet.

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.29pm