
Agenda for the Meeting of Drybrook Parish Council 19 September 2023

Agendas Uploaded on September 12, 2023


I hereby give notice that the Meeting of Drybrook Parish Council will be held at The School Room,      Holy TrinityChurch,  Drybrook on Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 7.00pm

Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below.

All residents of the Parish are welcome to attend and a short period of time is set aside for members of the public to raise questions. Please note the Planning Committee meet at 6.30pm

Yours truly, A. Seabrook, Locum Clerk               12th September 2023


  • To note apologies for absence.

  • To receive any issues from members of the public (15 Minutes)

Please note the Clerk will only minute the public’s comments during this agenda item

  • To receive County and District Councillor reports

  • To receive any Declaration of Interests

  • To receive requests for Dispensations

  • To approve the minutes of the meeting of Drybrook Parish Council held on 18th July 2023

  • To receive an update on planning matters.
  1. P1085/23/FUL – Friends Meeting House, Highview Road, Ruardean Hill, Drybrook – Change of use from light industry to domestic dwelling including extensions to rear and side and internal alterations

  • To elect a Planning Committee

  • To give retrospective agreement for 3 year contract with Lumalite for the Christmas Lights

  • To consider the purchase of a Tommy Silhouette

  • To consider the location for future Parish Council Meetings

  • To consider whether the Council still requires the District Council to send them paper copies of planning applications

  • To consider how much to keep in the savings account as Reserves

  • To consider employing a handyman

  • To consider requirements for speed cameras

  • To adopt Standing Orders

  • To consider funding for Brierley Playing Field

  • To consider the grant request from the Drybrook Events Team

  • To receive Councillor reports

  • To receive a report from the Clerk (for information only)

21)         To receive the accounts/finance reports


  1. To approve the payment schedule
  2. b) To receive the bank reconciliation up to 31st July 2023
  3. c) To receive the budget versus spend report up to 15th September 2023


Pursuant to 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during the consideration of:


  1. To ratify the pay level and hours for the Locum Parish Clerk