
Minutes of the Queens Platinum Jubilee planning committee 23 March 2022

Queens Platinum Jubilee Planning Committee Uploaded on June 16, 2022


Drybrook Parish Platinum Jubilee Planning Meeting

 23rdth March 2022


  1. Apologies – Cllr Roy Bardo


  1. Matters Arising from the Minutes, not on the Agenda

Welcome Attendance from PTA Steam Mills Primary School – Lauren   Rodway & Louise Bent

Decision made about timing of Event 11am -5pm

            (CB to let FODDC Working Grp know)

CB to update Members Contacts List


  1. Update of Allocated Tasks by Ref No: See updated Task Log


  1. Continuation of Tasks etc……..


Venue & Facilities:

  • No alcohol to be served on site at School Grounds
  • JP will get price for Gazebo for use as Central contact/Info space
  • Memorial Hall contacted by RF – still unsure what they are doing JP to contact Chairman & discuss use of their car park
  • 7 x Local confirmed bookings – tables will be supplied by School. Some are on commission only, most will attend, but 1 x Artist will not be in attendance – SL will follow up.
  • Drinking water from o/s tap at School will be available for use
  • MW will be printing posters onto w/proof paper, costs = £2.70 per A3 sheet x 40 – Agreed
  • Need to finalize poster design/wording & add Rugby Club contribution info etc…..
  • Posters to be finally signed off by Sunday 27th Once signed off to be distributed. Shop on the Cross willing to help.
  • Steam Mills School to do Cake Stand & will check with Harrow Hill F/C for their input etc….and to check about School Kids singing.
  • JP has started a ‘Jobs List’ – will circulate via email to everyone.
  • JP will talk with RB about Portaloos, but Agreed 6 + 1 Disabled Portaloo.
  • Need feedback from RB for PA, Music, Marquee – School to find out Stage size and liaise with JP/RB
  • MW to pass Contact details to RB for Ladies Choir & Male Voice Choir.
  • MW to explore Flag Pole costs
  • CB to contact about ‘Face Painting’
  • CB to contact about Jubilee Beacon – costs without Gas attachment



Event Safety:

  • RA – to be completed once Tasks/Jobs List finalised
  • JP awaiting quotes from Newnham based Company
  • Basic 1st Aid required = Designated 1st Aiders and 1st Aid Kit – need to explore 1st Aid training availability – possible sign up of Volunteers?


Event Decorations:

  • MW to change timing and all Agreed wording for Banners
  • KG sourced Union Jacks Flags & Stickers =72p
  • SW to contact Crawney Medal Trophies Agreed x 150 Medals
  • Commemorative Mugs will be delivered to JP – need covering letter from Parish Council for distribution
  • MW to purchase Paper Confetti Canons x 4 @ £8.99 Agreed


  1. Drybrook Rugby Club Contribution:
  • RFC put forward list of contributions/collaboration in absence of Chris, Lucie & Matt – inc:
  • Stall to provide Passing Drills + Free draw for Rugby Balls
  • Rugby Demonstration throughout the day
  • Offer of Parking at Rugby Club
  • Offer of Drinks counter for Soft Drinks
  • RFC doing evening entertainment and Fireworks – awaiting costs
  • Interested in having a Flag Pole – with Flag/Banner
  • JP to contact Chairman


  1. Timings of Events & Competitions etc…Volunteers to be recruited and

Allocated Tasks

  • To be decided when ‘Jobs List’ completed


  1. Drybrook Parish Contacts List:
  • Ongoing


  1. Treasurer Update (SL):
  • To date = £6,600 spent
  • Invoice to be raised for Straw Bales – (KG to liaise with JP for storage address)
  • Chq to be raised from Treasurer for Hi-Vis jackets
  • BACS details to SL for Commemorative Mug payment


  1. Visit to School:
  • 1pm Friday 1st April – JP can attend, or after 9am Saturday 2nd April (SL & SW both will be there)


  1. Contingency Plan:
  • If Queens dies before Event – will be ‘Queens Life Celebration’
  • Contingency needed if Members away, ill of unable to attend.


  1. O.B
  • JP to contact Pann Todd Friends Association re: Lighting of Beacon on 2nd June @ 8pm
  • MW to check Memorial Hall as Venue for future Meetings (£6p/h?)
  • See about Maypole & Morris Dancers (RB)


  1. DONM
  • 6th April – At Beech View House 7pm