Drybrook Parish Platinum Jubilee Planning Meeting
1st June 2022
Present: John Print (JP) (Chair), Cathy Blake (Secretary), Roy Bardo (RB), Stacey Wakefield (SW), Maxine Williams (MW), Mike Garland (MG), Kathy Garland(KG), Sarah Lowe (SL), Rachel Ferris (RF) Matt Reading (MR) (Events & Catering Manager Drybrook Rugby Club)
- Apologies: None
- Matters Arising not on Agenda:
- Flamin Edges site visit to School with SW completed
- 1st Aid – JP’s brother Nick (paramedic) will be attending Event to support throughout the day
- 30 extra Jubilee mugs arrived – but still 2 short for Drybrook School
- Ceri Large (England Women’s Rugby) agreed to do Open Ceremony – but will not able to do Prize Giving
- Fancy Dress & Colouring Competiton Prizes all sorted
- Clint Mann – Folk Singer will now be part of Event on Stage at 1.15pm
- Flamin Edges will be on site early – offering food throughout the day
- RF has completed posters of Itinery to go up on site, and will finalise and distribute to all
- Agreed No Dogs, No alcohol, No Smoking on site – signage will put up
- Itinerary Script agreed, MW will complete final draft for distribution
- Jewellry Stall (from Shop on the Cross) will also be attending and placed in the School Hall with the Artists
- JP will do ‘Parking Slip’ for those cars parked in Dr’s Surgery/Social club Car Parks
- CB has ‘Barrier Tape’/Hammers etc…..and will bring on morning of Event
- First Aiders to equip first Aid Tent as appropriate
- Inflatables H&S Instructions written and laminated
- 8 x Whistles bought – to be used for emergencies
- RF, SW,SL & MW – All Stallholders to be given Risk Assessments
- Start time on site – 8am – with briefing at 9am
- JP – will bring roll of liner paper and Marker Pens
- Power Supply to be sorted early in the day
- Tables will be put out ready for all Stallholders
- Inflatables will be set up on site by Company – ready for use
- Games & Colouring Competion to be set up (and added to Itinerary)
- Co-ordinator for Kids Games to be allocated on the day
Rugby Club:
All organised to set up Soft Drinks Stall with Gazebo, offering Cans only plus Tea’s & Coffees.
All ready to be able to organize Rugby Demo’s for the Event
JP – Completed, and is essentially for Parish Council Information/Records
Forms completed and to be returned to CB. Stallholders are aware of Key Contact details for the Event
JP & CB Completed – Final Version Agreed
As Discussed above.
Clear up allocations – All
£8,939.92 Spent
£1370.00 Committed
£10,309.92 TOTAL
Leaving £609.08 (£1k contingency being used to date)
Rugby Club has not yet put forward any Costs
Pan Tod – already for their Beacon Lighting Event (Lighting at 9.45pm)
Weather not looking great for Saturday – come prepared
Thanks for everyone’s Contribution & Support
- A.O.B None
Agreed 2 x Choices:
- Include All Volunteers – Cheese and Wine Evening at JP’s House
- Twilight Lounge (Cinderford) for evening Meal (Committee Members) to include ‘De-brief’.
Majority Agreed the Twilight Lounge
Diary Date: 8th July 2022
JP will do email ‘De-brief’ pre 8th July.