
Minutes of the meeting held on 16th July 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on September 3, 2024



Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 16th July 2024 at 7.00pm at The School Room, Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook


Parish Councillors:          John Print (Chairman), Richard Moore, Pam Caton, Michael Garland, Cathy Blake, Pat Weaver and Jacky Johnston

Also present:                     County Councillor Terry Hale

District Councillor Trevor Roach attended the Planning Workshop

District Councillor Jackie Fraser

April Seabrook (Clerk)

2 members of the public


  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Dave Middlemiss, Roy Bardo and Malcolm Jones and District Councillors Shaun Stammers



  1. Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)

A resident complained about the speed of the traffic along the main road through Brierley and was informed that as this was a designated area for the Police to carry out speed checks a speed sign was not allowed to be erected in the village.  County Councillor Terry Hale stated that he would ask the Police if the speed checks could be carried out at on a more regular basis.


  1. County & District Councillor Reports

District Councillor Jackie Fraser informed Council that a resident had complained to her about a water leak on Hillside Road and there was a further water leak at the bottom of the High Street by the Co-op which Cllr Cathy Blake said she would report to the Highways Department.


Cllr John Print asked Cllr Fraser if the survey to check the condition of the public toilets building had been carried out by the District Council.  Cllr Fraser stated that she would chase the Estates Department to get the survey carried out.


County Councillor Terry Hale informed Council that he had attended a Scrutiny Committee Meeting which representatives of the Ambulance Service attended, who explained to the Committee that ambulances trying to attend a medical emergency were hindered on their journey by bad mannered drivers who would not pull over and allow the ambulances to pass.


  1. Declarations of Interests




  1. Requests for Dispensations



  1. Minutes of the Meeting held on 18th June 2024

It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting, which was held on 18th June, as an accurate record of the meetings, and were signed by the Chairman.


  1. Planning matters
  2. a) P0729/24/FUL – 36 Hazel Road, Drybrook – Erection of two-storey rear extension.

Decision: No objections

  1. b) P0641/24/FUL – Land adjoining Whitehill Bungalow, Whitehill Lane, Drybrook – Erection of self-build dwelling and detached garage with associated parking, landscaping and drainage.

Decision: No objections

  1. c) P0750/24/FUL – Chase View, Forest Road, Ruardean Woodside – Erection of first floor rear extension to form additional bedroom.

Decision: No objections

  1. d) APP/P1615/w/24/3343555 – Land adjacent to Wyndover, Larksfield Road, Harrow Hill, Drybrook – Erection of detached dwelling and associated works (resubmission). Demolition of existing garages. (This planning application is at the appeal stage).

Response: Drybrook Parish Council as a local authority makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and has an overall responsibility for the well-being of its local community.

We work to serve our community in matters relating to the parish – including it’s environment, landscape and visual amenity where it is managed for the benefit of both present and future parishioners, and thereby contributing to sustainable development.

We do not however, hold any authority for Planning matters, but as Consultees in the Planning process we aim to support the concerns of parishioners – where applicable – who very often have historical and in depth knowledge of the specific community areas in which they live, which can help to inform and underpin the Parish Councils comments.

The Parish Planning Group have previously observed and made comments to prior Applications – although not all, but in particular gave comments in support of Parishioners for application P1703/22/FUL, subsequently Refused in February 2023.

It is also noted, prior notifications for the following;

P1213/00/FUL – Refused in April 2000

P0304/22/OUT – Refused in April 2022

P1346/23/FUL – Refused in December 2023

We have in this case read and understood the Appellants Application and case, although we did not make comments when it was proposed in 2021 (P1346/23/FUL).

Drybrook is, and has always been relatively intensively developed, forming part of the forest –ring where areas are quite elevated and prominent, and where it contains many features of informal open areas and other distinct local characteristic elements of forest fringe, and of specific note is that Harrow Hill within our Parish under Policy AP6 is defined as a ‘Locally Distinctive Area’, and this site sits on the edge of the settlement of Harrow Hill, on an elevated situation overlooking Drybrook village, with an Important Open Area to the west of the site.

Key previous Refusals rest on the limitations imposed by the surrounding development, amounting to constraints that militate against the achievement of design solution that would provide significant improvements to the built environment.

It is also noted that other primary reasons for Refusal rest upon the basis of offering poor living conditions for both current and future occupiers and of existing neighbouring dwellings – most notably Greenway, Hillcrest and Wyndover.

Sustainability of the scheme is also noted given access to the site from a single metalled track as a no-through road to Larksfield Road.


The LPA have set out how the proposal is contrary to the NPPF, NPPG, Policies of the Core Strategy, Policies of the Allocations Plan and the Forest of Dean District Council’s (FODDC) Residential Design Guide.

However, the Appellants case statement outlines quite specifically against each of the Frameworks, Policies, Strategies, Plans and Design guide referred to within the Refusal, offering mitigating and/or irrelevant points to consider.

Effectively there is only One Refusal reason quoted, and concludes there is demonstration to the Inspector that there is no demonstrable harm from the proposal with some Policies that can be mitigated and/or not relied upon to sustain a Refusal for this proposal.

In conclusion, the Parish Council would find it seriously concerning that Policies; Core Strategy (CSP1) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), National Planning Practice guidance (NPPG) as well as the Local Plan – all in place to support, protect and resist against harmful development – would be seriously undermined and flouted should they still be considered fully relevant to the Appeal given the Appellants case statement and rationale.

Whilst it is not the remit of the Parish Council, it seems in this instant case imposing Conditions on the proposal may be a way to provide a more balanced decision.

Therefore, we accord with the Councils Refusal Notice and agree with the decision point 1 cited within the Notice, but also agree the Appellant has provided useful and relevant mitigation.

  1. e) APP/P1615/W/3342413 – Morse Farm, Morse Road, Drybrook – Erection of agricultural building. Response: Drybrook Parish Council as a local authority makes decisions on behalf of the people in the parish and has an overall responsibility for the well-being of its local community.

We work to serve our community in matters relating to the parish – including it’s environment, landscape and visual amenity where it is managed for the benefit of both present and future parishioners, and thereby contributing to sustainable development.

We do not however, hold any authority for Planning matters, but as Consultees in the Planning process we aim to support the concerns of parishioners – where applicable – who very often have historical and in depth knowledge of the specific community areas in which they live, which can help to inform and underpin the Parish Councils’ comments.

There were no Parishioner/Public comments to the Application.

The Parish Council Planning Group have in this case read and understood the Appellants Application and case, although we did not make comments when it was proposed on 5th January 2024 (P0026/24/FUL), which the Local Planning Authority (LPA) subsequently Refused on 13th February 2024.

It is also noted prior notification (P0267/20/AG) for the erection of an agricultural building for the storage of dry goods and agricultural machinery was also Refused in 2020.  Furthermore, EN/0193/17 and EN/0184/23 are also noted.

However, in the instant Application, the Appellant states a case for the welfare of the farm animals; including the nursing of animals, storage of straw and feed and to include the housing of animals during extreme weather conditions. This seems to have been a request from Trading Standards – especially after a site visit.

It is not mentioned when this visit occurred and seems to also lack the full statement or requirement made by Trading Standards.

As Trading Standards are responsible for enforcing legislation governing the health and welfare of farm animals, and the site has been visited, it implies that the farm was inspected by Trading Standards to check compliance with legislation or to follow up on complaints received regarding any non-compliances. The visit and compliance or non-compliance is unclear.

It is also noted, that whilst the Appellant does mention ‘cattle’ there is no indication as to the numbers or mention of any other animals that may or may not have been included within Trading Standards requirements.

The Appellant is also clearly concerned about the limited communication from the Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC) when making the application and the failure of the Local Planning Authority (LPA) to give notice of its decision within the appropriate period (usually 8 weeks) – cited as the primary reason for the Appeal.

In this specific case, we note the Case Officers’ written report and as a Parish Council are also concerned as to the lack of information supplied for the application – especially in terms of the welfare of the animals and accord with the LPA that such a prominent building within a prominent location would have an adverse affect on the surrounding open spaces and prevailing views and therefore the siting and design is important in sustaining the appearance and characteristics of the rural landscape. This is particularly something the Parish Council wishes to preserve within our Parish as much as we can, and therefore, believe merit should be given to supporting open space and views, as well as the material considerations in terms of character and appearance.

It is not within our remit to accord or otherwise in terms of the LPA’s notice of decision timeframe, but do note, notice of decisions should be made within the statutory timeframes.

In conclusion, the Parish Council gives objections to this Appeal, and would find it seriously concerning that the Policies cited; Core Strategy (CSP1) and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) as well as the Allocations Plan, all in place to support, protect and resist against development that is not sustainable, which would be seriously undermined and flouted should this Appeal and subsequent development be overturned.

  1. f) Council noted the planning decisions of the Forest of Dean District Council. Appendix A



  1. Public Toilets

Council discussed the future of the Public Toilets.  Cllr John Print pointed out that the toilets had now been closed for 3 weeks and no complaints had been received from the public about the toilets not being open, and it was costing the Council between £6,000 to £7,000 per annum to keep the toilets open.  Council agreed to defer their decision regarding this matter until a response had been received from the District Council about the condition of the building.  This matter will be considered again at the August Meeting.  Action: Clerk



  1. Donation Request for a Sensory Room at Drybrook Primary School

Council agreed by a majority decision to give a donation of £750 to Drybrook Primary School towards their new Sensory Room.  Action: Clerk





  1. Annual Membership of GAPTC

               Council agreed not to renew their membership of GAPTC this year due to the cost of the subscription.


  1. Freedom of information Policy

Council agreed to adopt the Freedom of Information Policy.  Action: Clerk


  1. The District Council’s Local Plan

Council agreed that they would like to include the resident’s concerns when sending in their response to the District Council’s Local Plan.  Some of the Councillors will meet with District Councillor Trevor Roach to formulate the Council’s response to the Local Plan, these will then be emailed to all the Councillors for their agreement.  It was also agreed that Councillors would send in their own responses to the District Council.



  1. Quote for Updating Bracken Road Playing Field

Council agreed to have the following works carried out at Bracken Road Playing Field:

  • To supply and fit 1 x basket swing seat, 1 x flat swing seat & 1 x cradle swing seat – cost £2,040 + VAT
  • To replace 2 x ropes on rope walk – cost £485 + VAT
  • Clean off all metal and plastic surfaces in the play park – cost £1,350 + VAT
  • Cut back all necessary vegetation around the play equipment – cost £215 + VAT
  • Repair slide where there is a current hanging water issue – cost Free of Charge

 Action: Clerk



  1. Transferring Monies from Other Budgets Towards Costs of Works for Playing Field

Council agreed to transfer the following monies to the Playground Maintenance budget to cover the cost of the works on Bracken Road Playing Field:

  • £1,453 from the Public Toilets – repairs budget – the building belongs to the District Council, so the Parish Council do not need to pay for the repairs.
  • £755 from the General Admin – insurance budget – the amount left over after paying the annual insurance premium
  • £500 from the Projects – Annual Parish Meeting budget – as this money was not spent on the meeting this year

Action: Clerk




  1. Debit Card for Bank Account

Council agreed not to get a debit card for the bank account at the moment but would reconsider this matter once a Debit Card Policy was in place.  Action: Clerk





  1. Register of Interest Forms

Councillors were given a more up to date Register of Interest Form to complete as the previous forms they completed did not show the correct information required by the District Council.  Action: Clerk


  1. Campaign to Improve the Safety of Lithium Batteries and Their Disposal

Council agreed to support the campaign to improve the safety of lithium batteries and their disposal.  The Clerk will send a letter of support to the organisers of the campaign.       Action: Clerk



  1. Councillor Reports

Cllr John Print informed Council that he had made a request to the District Council to replace the container in the car park with a new 8ft by 8 ft one, however this request was turned down as the District Council said this would take up space required by the proposed new herb garden that was going to be located by the entrance to the car park.


Cllr Print also stated that he had ordered new signs for Bracken Road Playing Field.


Cllr Richard Moore informed Council that there was fly tipping at Wigpool which he had reported to the District Council.


Cllr Jacky Johnston informed Council that the new charity for Brierley Recreation Ground was going well and that they had received a £500 donation.


Cllr Pam Caton stated that there had been complaints regarding ivy growing over the lamp post at the entrance to The Squirrels, which was making it difficult for drivers to see, and that residents were volunteering to help the cleaning up of the village.



  1. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk reported that:

Asked the grass cutting contractor if he could the grass from the Co-op to The Squirrels.

Looked into the resident’s issue with the overgrown footpath from Morman Close to West Avenue, and discovered that this alleyway belonged to Two Rivers, who I then rang and requested that the overgrown vegetation was cut back.

Informed Water Plus that the water meter outside the public toilets is so badly damaged it can no longer be read.










  1. Accounts/Finance


  1. Council agreed the following payments and receipts:


Payments made since last meeting.


Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
Print 365 Printing Parish newsletter BACS (22/05/24) £199.99 LGA 1972 s142 (1A) General Admin
Big Box Little Box Rent for storage SO (29/05/24) £130.00 LGA 1972 s111 Projects
Water Plus Water @ public toilets DD (29/05/24) £71.17 LGA 1972 s111 Public Toilets
E-ON Electric @ public toilets DD (29/05/24) £176.45 LGA 1972 s111 Public Toilets
Complete Landscapes Grass cutting (March invoice) BACS (03/06/24) £960.00


HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
Cathy Blake Reimbursement for printer ink BACS (03/06/24) £40.95 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
Gerald Eve re Whitbread Rent for Brierley bus shelter BACS (03/06/24) £6.00 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
EE Mobile phone DD (03/06/24) £28.48 LG(FP)A 1963 s5 General Admin
Clear Councils Annual insurance premium BACS (04/06/24) £1,473.37 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
Charlotte Matthews Locum Clerk wages BACS (05/06/24) £375.00 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
Complete Landscapes Grass cutting (April invoice) BACS (05/06/24) £1,026.00 HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
N Sargent Litter picking BACS (05/06/240 £690.00 LGA 1972 s111 Recreation Areas
Complete Landscapes  Grass Cutting BACS (10/06/24) £1,026.00 HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
Charlotte Matthews Locum Clerk Wages for April BACS (10/06/24) £500.00 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
Dene Magna Donation BACS (11/06/24) £250.00 LGA 1972 s137 Grants/Donations
    TOTAL £6,953.41    


Payments to be agreed at meeting.


Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
John Print Reimbursement for padlocks BACS (19/06/24) £43.98 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
N Sargent Litter picking BACS (19/06/24) £230.00 LGA 1972 s111 Recreation Areas
Water Plus Water @public toilets BACS (19/06/24) £52.26 LGA 1972 s111 Public Toilets
Complete Landscapes Grass Cutting BACS (19/06/24) £1,026.00 HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
    TOTAL £1,352.24    



10/06/24 Interest                                                         £52.94



  1. b) Council approved the petty cash figures for June 2024
  2. c) Council received the bank reconciliation for June 2024
  3. d) Council received budget vs spend up to 11th July 2024
  4. Cllr Moore carried out the monthly financial checks of the Council’s accounts on 16th July 2024




There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.00pm




































16 JULY 2024



Caravan & Camping Site, Greenway Farm, Hawthorns Rd, Drybrook, Glos

Erection of 3 x Chalets and 3 x Shepherd Huts with associated works (Retrospective)

APPROVED – 19/6/24



The Lodge, Highview Rd, Drybrook, GL17 9AR

Change of Use of part of Paddock to Horse Menage (Retrospective)

APPROVED – 28/6/24



Moorlands, Bracken Rd, Hazel Hill, Drybrook

Erection of Single Storey extension to front elevation

APPROVED – 28/6/24







Wynhurst, Larksfield Rd, Harrow Hill, Drybrook.

Erection of Single Storey annex ancillary to Main House for dependent relatives

APPROVED – 5/7/24



Seasons View, Larksfiled Rd, Harrow Hill, Drybrook, GL17 9JP

Replace existing wooden double garage with Single Storey workshop/store, with pitched roof & reduce size of concrete base

APPROVED – 12/7/24




P1064/20/FUL & P0138/21/DISCON







Conditions 06 and 09 were only partially discharged, and until a further Application with sufficient information to satisfy Forest of Dean District Council (FODDC) Planners that these Conditions can be mitigated, works to Over Garage Development cannot start, and remains undeveloped.




On 24th June 2024, due to concerns raised seeing operatives on site stating they would be demolishing the building, reinstating the shop, plus an intention to replace the fuel tanks. Without any Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), or appropriate Site Signage there were concerns for Public Health & Safety, and the Parish Council reported the suspected breach of Planning. Subsequently, the FODDC have issued a new Planning Enforcement case created under reference EN/0118/24 – an Enforcement Notice.


5 x Applications ‘Pending Consideration’ – to date