
Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 19th November 2024

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on January 16, 2025



Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 7.00pm at The School Room, Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook


Parish Councillors:     John Print (Chairman), Richard Moore, Pam Caton, Dave Middlemiss    and Pat Weaver

Also present:               April Seabrook (Clerk)

1 member of the public


Cllr John Print informed Council of the sad passing of Mike Garland, who had been a Parish Councillor since 2008 and will be sadly missed.



  1. Apologies for absence

Cllr Cathy Blake and Malcolm Jones, District Councillors Shaun Stammers, Jackie Fraser and Trevor Roach and County Councillor Terry Hale



  1. Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)

Sarah Walker from GRCC gave a short presentation regarding the Housing Survey

that they will be carrying out in the Drybrook Parish early next year.


  1. County & District Councillor Reports

District Councillor Jackie Fraser could not attend the meeting and so sent in the following report.


I contacted the District Council Street warden regarding some resident’s concern for the welfare of a dog. The warden was already aware of the issue and had made several visits to the property, but no one was at home and no sign of the dog. At my request he has made further visits, however, has not been able to find anyone at home and no sign of the dog.

The Cabinet has approved the final draft of the Sustainable Economy Strategy 2024-2028. A consultation on the proposed strategy took place in May for all District Council members, County Council, Parish & Town Councils & local businesses.

The Councils sustainable economy objective is to foster economic prosperity while ensuring sustainability and social well-being. The Council would like to use this strategy to explore how best to embed the Doughnut economics mindset within future Council decision making to enable positive benefits over the coming years.

We are choosing to be bold with the new strategy and the intention is to explore the principles of Doughnut economics in decision making at cabinet level and learn from other Councils who are advanced in using this approach (Cornwall Council and Bath & North- East Somerset Council)

Doughnut economics offers a vision of what it means for humanity to thrive in the 21st century, it is not a fixed methodology but rather a way of thinking to bring about the regenerative and distributive dynamics that this century calls for.

The Doughnut consists of two concentric rings: a social foundation to ensure that no one is left falling short on life’s essentials, and an ecological ceiling, to ensure that humanity does not collectively overshoot the planetary boundaries that protects Earth’s life-supporting systems. Between these two sets of boundaries lies a doughnut shaped space that is both ecologically safe and socially just: a space in which humanity can thrive.



  1. Declarations of Interests



  1. Requests for Dispensations



  1. Minutes of the Meeting held on 15th October 2024

It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting, which was held on 15th October, as an accurate record of the meetings, and were signed by the Chairman.


  1. Planning matters
  2. a) P1119/24/FUL – The Pippins, Newham Bottom, Ruardean Woodside – Erection of garden shed and decking in garden area (Retrospective).

Decision: No objections

  1. b) P1205/24/FUL – Meadow Bank, Deans Walk, Harrow Hill – Change of use of existing residential annexe to holiday let (Retrospective).

Decision: No objections


  1. Emergency Plan

Council agreed that as they didn’t need to have an Emergency Plan legally, and that the District and County Councils had Emergency Plans in place, they would not take this matter forward.



  1. Resignation of Cllr Roy Bardo

Council noted the resignation of Cllr Roy Bardo and that the Forest of Dean District Council have been informed.



  1. Asset Register

Council reviewed and agreed the Asset Register.


  1. Training and Development Policy

Council agreed not to adopt the Training and Development Policy as it only applies to the Clerk, and they would like to have something in place which included Councillor training.  Action: Clerk


  1. Street & Bus Shelter Cleaning

Cllr Print informed Council that at the February 2024 meeting it had been agreed that a contractor would clean the bus shelters.  Council then agreed that a contract could be drawn up which included both the litter picking and bus shelter cleaning.

It was also agreed that as the Street Cleaning Service Level Agreement did not cover the cost of the litter pick that the District Council would be contacted to request an increase in the payment.  Action: Cllr Print & Clerk



  1. VolunteerPolicy

Council adopted the Volunteer Policy.  Action: Clerk


  1. Co-option of New Councillor

Tracy Grainger was co-opted onto the Council as no other applicants had applied for the role.


  1. Councillor Reports

Cllr Middlemiss gave the following report on the Road Safety Group Meeting

The last meeting of the Road Safety Group was held on the 7th November at Drybrook School, in attendance was David Holland from Gloucestershire police responsible for the Speedwatch program.

David explained the function and role of Speedwatch Gloucestershire and advises that to purchase an ANPR auto type speed camera would be £560 plus an annual licence fee of £160.  Also, any letters sent would be charged at 70p each.  He also stated that there may be a possibility of having a speed camera and signs funded through GCC.

David explained the results of road speed surveys undertaken on Morse, Drybrook & Hawthorne’s roads a few years ago.  The mean speed where recorded at below the roads fixed speed limit.

David also explained how the speedwatch groups work – requires a minimum of 3 volunteers to carry out the speed check, following full training.  Speedwatch will fund up to 15 letters to be sent to speeding drivers for each site.

David stated he would welcome a group in Drybrook, it was agreed by all to set up a Drybrook Group.

John Print asked about the feasibility of purchasing wheelie bin speed stickers, and showed several options, David Holland stated they can be very helpful, all agreed.  John to source and cost suitable versions and ask the Parish Council to fund the purchase.


Cllr Middlemiss also informed Council that the Christmas Lights were being erected on 23rd & 34th November and that the Turning on the Christmas Lights Event would take place on Saturday 30th November, starting at the earlier time of 4.00pm.


Cllr Print informed Council that the Remembrance Day Event went really well, and Cllr Caton stated that the women from the 55 Club had made over 850 poppies free of charge, and that residents had commented how impressed they were with the display of poppies.  The Council thanked all the ladies from the 55 Club for making the poppies, Paulette Middlemiss for erecting the displays and everyone else who helped on the day.


Cllr Print also stated that he and Cllr Weaver met with a contractor at Ruardean Woodside play area to discuss erecting new play equipment and play surface.  The quote should arrive in time for the December meeting where it needs to be agreed, to avoid the price increases in January.

He also informed Council that the playground wall and gate had been pushed over at the Ruardean Woodside play area and that Cllr Weaver was going to speak to a contractor to get it fixed.

Cllr Print stated that he had attended the Thriving Communities Meeting where he learnt that all Parish Councils have the same issues regarding recruiting new members, and that having a Parish Newsletter is a good idea, as this lets residents know the things that their local Parish Council carry out.


  1. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk reported that she had:

Emailed the response to the District Councils consultation regarding the amendments to its Council Tax Support Scheme.


Emailed the District Council the comments from the Parish Council regarding the review of Polling Stations.


Informed the Chairman of Lydcare, that no further donations would be made this financial year, however a further request would be considered after April 2025.


Emailed County Council Area Highways Manager a resident’s concerns regarding obscured streetlights and footpaths covered by overgrown vegetation.



  1. Accounts/Finance


  1. Council agreed the following payments and receipts:


Payments made since last meeting.

Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
Complete Landscapes Grass cutting BACS (23/10/24) £1,026.00 HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
Big Box, Little Box Monthly storage rental SO (30/10/24) £130.00 LGA 1972 s111 Projects
Dave Middlemiss Reimbursement for wire mesh & ties BACS (30/10/24) £34.21 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
April Seabrook October salary BACS (31/10/24) £660.50 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
EE Mobile phone DD (03/11/24) £28.48 LG(FP)A 1963 s5 General Admin
Dave Middlemiss Reimbursement for plastic ties BACS (05/11/24) £17.06 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
Brierley Rec Ground Donation BACS (07/11/24) £840.00 LGA 1972 s137 Projects
    TOTAL £2,736.25    


Payments to be agreed at meeting.

Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
Seton Screwband buckle & clamp BACS (20/11/24) £57.44 LGA 1972 s111 Recreation Areas
British Legion 5 Remembrance wreaths BACS (20/11/24) £125.00 LGA 1972 s11 General Admin
Hales Postifix BACS (20/11/24) £15.77 LGA 1972 s111 Recreation Areas
Complete Landscapes Grass cutting BACS (20/11/24) £1,026.00 HA 1980 s96 Recreation Areas
N Sargent Litter picking BACS (20/11/24) £230.00 LGA 1972 s111 Recreation Areas
    TOTAL £1,454.21    



11/11/24 Interest                                             £27.71



  1. b) Council approved the petty cash figures for October 2024
  2. c) Council received the bank reconciliation for October 2024
  3. d) Council received budget vs spends up to 16th November 2024
  4. Cllr Middlemiss carried out the monthly financial checks of the Council’s accounts on 19th November 2024




There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.25pm