
King Charles III Coronation Committee meeting minutes 22 February 2023

King Charles III Coronation Committee Uploaded on March 7, 2023




Minutes of the Meeting – 22nd February 2023 Hearts of Oak


  1. Present:

            John Print (JP) (Parish Councilor & Chair), Cathy Blake (CB) (Parish Councilor         & Secretary), Roy Bardo (RB) (Chair of Parish Council), Mike Garland (MG)     Parish Councilor, Pam Caton (PC) (Parish Councilor) Kathy Garland (KG),    Maxine Williams (MW), Nigel Williams (NW), Dave Middlemiss (DM), Paulette        Middlemiss (PM), Tom Gibson (TG – Hearts of Oak), Nick Statin (NS).


      Sarah Lowe (SL) Treasurer & PTFA

      Rachel Ferris (RF) PTFA

      Jess Woolley (JW)

      Sarah Gibson – (Hearts of Oak),but did attend at end of meeting

      JW had informed JP that she was stepping down from Committee due to other commitments. She would still be able to offer ‘Sweet Treats’ for event   at Cost – if needed.

      A thank you from the Committee for your input to date and we wish you all          the best with your Commitments, Honeymoon & Studies.

  1. Acceptance of minutes 8th February 2023

      Minutes Agreed

  1. Matters arising from the Minutes not on the Agenda

            DM said FODDC had not accepted Road Closure as ‘Application submitted’ &        was waiting to hear. Essentially, Quabbs Rd not accepted as alternative          diversion due to possible HGV’s/Buses/Larger vehicles.

            Diversion Signs will need to be sited at Plump Hill and also Mitcheldean.

            DM will liaise further with FODDC & Decision should be by 7th March leaving         6 weeks – enough time to still organise Signs etc…. and also speak with Bus    companies.

            Action – DM

            MG – asked about costs involved. DM explained application is Free, but costs       will be attached to correct Signage required, which DM will inform       Committee once decision is confirmed.

            Public Liability Insurance – Parish Council has in place.

            Action – RB to email copy of Insurance Certificate to DM

            JP raised issue of Food for Event; as it was correct that Committee had      agreed in Meeting of 25thJan – No Free Food.

            However, suggested if Budget allows to look at offering ‘Sweet Treats’

            All Agreed.

            Pub will be offering ‘Mexican food’ & Hot Dogs for Kids.

            Food vendors will still also include Drybrook Fish & Chip shop & possibly   Butchers.

            Pub still wanting to secure Ice Cream Van (Paul Storky’s) and TG will liaise            with Paul, but Van will probably not stay on site all day.

            Action – TG to call/msg Paul.

            All Agreed – Advertising for Event will state ‘Picnic’ (BYO Food!).

            JP had received email from SG re: Playpen & Bouncy Castles, which Pub will          have on site – approx. cost £240.

            JP proposed a 50% contribution from Committee

            All Agreed.

            JP had not had a chance to look into Sponsorship for Event.

  1. Budget

            RB stated a £3k + £1k contingency budget had been agreed at Parish Council        (PC) Meeting on Tuesday 21st February 2023.

            Action – RB to liaise with PC Clerk to organise Cheque for Treasurer SL ASAP.

  1. Activities & Actions Update:


      MW outlined details of Entertainment secured to date, & said it would cover        the area needed.


      MW outlined details for potential Stalls i.e., Village Fete style Stalls Splat the        Rat, Hoopla, Tin Can Alley etc….etc……

      MW has started a ‘Volunteers List’ and NW suggested 13 Volunteers are   needed at any one time – working on rotation of Stalls etc…..

      Anyone know of any other Volunteer help to pass to MW

      CB suggested support to help with making stalls

      Action – CB to liaise with NW

      KG showed a ‘Pin the Crown’ (A3 Poster) & Royal Bingo Game (Table Game)

      MW has already secured 32sqm of Bunting

      Discussed ‘Setting Up’ times – possibly Midday or earlier, and DM suggested        some preparation could be done the day before – TBC at later meeting.

      Car parking was discussed – especially for all Stallholders – inc Pub. MW   suggested the use of School Playground -TBC

      DM suggested ‘Stickers’ to be placed in car windscreens & use of GP Surgery.

      PM suggested use of Memorial Hall Car Park & will ask at Monday’s meeting

      Action – PM

      Action – NW will continue to update a ‘Task Plan’.


  1. Media & Marketing:

      MW circulated a ‘Draft Invite’ leaflet, and has already sent out numerous emails to local businesses etc….ie, rugby club, Drybrook School, PanTodd,   Memorial Hall, Social Club, GP Surgery, Pharmacy etc….

      Would like a copy in the PC Notice Board

            Action – MW to send digital copy to JP

            Action – MG to source Notice Board Key/s

            CB circulated copies of info from the National ‘Big Lunch Campaign’ sent via         pdf, with suggestion to utilise some ideas ie, Invite ideas & Union Jack flag        template.

            Action – CB to send to NW for the Invite ideas & RB the Flag Template

            Also discussed to use the PC Logo – but JP explained it was not a PC logo but        a ‘Forest of Dean’ logo, but to use the official logo on advertising would be good idea.

  1. H&S – Risk Assessment & Risk Register:

      DM has already completed a very comprehensive Risk Assessment – including      an Operational Management Plan. Some Risks still to be completed – ie route        for emergency services, and he will liaise with Fire Service etc…..

      Action – DM to continue to update

      Action – CB to circulate RA & Operational Management Plan with Minutes

      JP discussed difference between Risks Assessment/s – ie mitigating perceived      Risks to public, vols etc…. on day of Event & a Risk Register –ie mitigating     Risks before the Event, e.g the Weather.

      NW discussed the Risk Register:

      JP (Chair) to make the call nearer the time in event of inclement weather, as         Event will be scaled down – especially if Memorial Hall is used instead.

      Pre-empt & mitigate where possible, so Communication & Info required up          front. Use of Electrical Equipment & Wet weather clothing as back up.

      Any thoughts for Risks to let NW know

      Action –NW will produce full plan when issues updated

      MW asked about the use of ‘Security’ (will find out potential costs), but    overall thoughts that the day is a ‘Family Event’ so Security not really needed.

  1. Mitcheldean Parish

      CB had added to Agenda – taken from notes at last meeting, but was thought       an error! CB had checked Mitcheldean PC Website and obtained January 2023 Meeting Minutes – Coronation Event organisation not yet started.

  1. O.B

            TG – will pass List of confirmed Stallholders to CB

            MG & KG – circulated info about Coronation Medals & Ribbons – which could      include Engraving – ie Drybrook Parish Council, has also looked at Union Jack   Flags

            JP suggested ‘Medals’ be discussed at next meeting, as will need to know projected costs

            Action – CB to add to Agenda

            PM – suggested a Prize for the ‘Best Coloured Crown Competition/Parade’

            Action – CB to add ‘Prizes’ to Agenda

      SL – not in attendance – nxt meeting to look at Budget (Finance/Expenditure)

      Action – CB to add to Agenda

      MW & NW not here until after March 27th

      TG also not available for next meeting

  1. DONM

      22nd March 2023 @ 8pm Hearts of Oak


Meeting Closed 9.30pm


Event Safety & Operational Management Plan

Risk Assessment