
Draft minutes of meeting held on 21st January 2025

Parish Council Meeting Minutes Uploaded on January 27, 2025



Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 21st January 2025 at 7.00pm at The School Room, Holy Trinity Church, Drybrook


Parish Councillors:     John Print (Chairman), Cathy Blake, Richard Moore, Pam Caton, Dave Middlemiss, Tracy Grainger, Mark Lake and Pat Weaver

Also present:              County Councillor Terry Hale

District Councillor Jackie Fraser

April Seabrook (Clerk)

3 members of the public



  1. Apologies for absence

District Councillors Shaun Stammers and Trevor Roach



  1. Members of the public issues (15 minutes Standing Orders suspended)

A resident informed the Council that Drybrook Road would have restricted access for 3 to 4 days following a week’s notice from the County Council Highways Department.  This will mean that parents will be unable to drive to the school to collect their children.


Nick Bainton, the Planning and Enforcement Officer from Gloucestershire County Council, discussed the concerns of residents regarding the reopening of the quarry.  He stated that although there are signs in the village stating that there is no access for heavy vehicles, this would be legally allowed for the lorries accessing the quarry, and the County Council Highways Department have no objections to the planning application.

He also informed Council that the County Council are aware that protected species which could be located in the quarry, and they are awaiting a wildlife survey to be carried out.  Also, there is now national guidance and limits in place regarding blasting the stone and there will need to be a time extension before the planning application is considered for the quarry to be restored.



  1. County & District Councillor Reports

District Councillor Jackie Fraser gave the following report:

I have received comments from a resident regarding the safety of the chicane

While walking, apparently drivers are increasingly not giving way and try to pass

On the chicane. The back lane needs a cut of the overgrowth. Pavements were very icy

The District Council is happy to write up a lease document for the toilets to open discussions.

Cabinet have agreed to proceed with the implementation of the low income family

Tracker (LIFT) to better identify those in need of support in the district and to provide targeted support where needed, to ensure those entitled to assistance are aware of the national support that is available. We have seen an increase in the number of council tax support requests, universal credit claims & increasing requests for hardship funding, the LIFT tracker will help provide the required data to better identify those in need.

As you are aware the Government have announced their intention to abolish District Councils.  Gloucestershire plans to be a single unitary with County Council asking to postpone the May County elections, despite objections from the District Councils. Plans are under discussion over the future of a strategic alignment with other Counties. There doesn’t seem to be any information regarding Town & Parish Councils at the moment.


County Councillor Terry Hale informed Council that when the drains are cleared by the Gloucestershire County Council Highways Department, due to the heavy rain the drains soon fill up again and so he is trying to get a road sweeper to clean the edges of the roads, and this will hopefully alleviate the situation.


He also mentioned that the Highways Department now have a new pothole repair machine seems to be working well.



  1. Declarations of Interests



  1. Requests for Dispensations



  1. Minutes of the Meeting held on 17th December 2024

It was resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting, which was held on 17th December, as an accurate record of the meetings, and were signed by the Chairman.


  1. Planning matters
  2. a) P1515/24/FUL – Land at Newlands, Forest Road, Ruardean Woodside – Erection of self-build dwelling, detached garage and associated works.

Decision: Objections as further information is required regarding the garage. and the application is outside the settlement boundary and fails to meet Policy CSP 4 of the District Council’s Core Strategy.


  1. b) P1362/24/FUL – Land at Larksfield Road, Harrow Hill – Erection of a Nissen hut storage shed for use as equipment & feed store associated with management of existing paddock (retrospective)

Decision: No objections


  1. Code of Conduct

Council reviewed and re-adopted the Code of Conduct.  Action: Clerk


  1. Public Toilets Utility Bills

Council agreed that as the Parish Council don’t own the public toilets, they should not pay the utility bills, and therefore the utility companies will be contacted and asked to forward any further bills to the District Council.  Action: Clerk



  1. Quote for Safety Surfaces at Bracken Road Playing Field

Council agreed to the quote of £6,985 excluding VAT for new safety surfaces to added to Bracken Road Playing Field.  Action: Clerk



  1. Resignation of Cllr Malcolm Jones

Council noted the resignation of Cllr Malcolm Jones and that the Forest of Dean District Council have been informed.


  1. Snow Warden

Council agreed that Cllr Mark Lake would become the snow warden.  He informed Council that he would update the grit bin map and would take responsibility for replacing the grit bins.


  1. Risk Register

            Cllr Dave Middlemiss informed Council that the Risk Register needed to be updated and so this document will be reviewed at the February meeting.                          Action: Cllrs Middlemiss & Lake


  1. Flood Warden

Council agreed that flood warden role will be amalgamated into the snow warden role and therefore Cllr Mark Lake will also take on this responsibility.


  1. Grit Bin Request

Council agreed that as this is now the responsibility of snow warden, Cllr Mark Lake will deal with this grit bin request.  Action: Cllr Mark Lake



  1. Councillor Reports

Cllr Dave Middlemiss reported the following to Council.

Christmas Lights:

The village Christmas lights switch on the 30th of November went very well, it was estimated that between 200-300 people attended, there were various craft stalls from local producers who all appeared to sell lots of stock.  The lights switch was very successful, and Santa gave out approximately 100+ presents to the children.

Everyone said it was a great evening; many thanks go to the Drybrook Events Committee for organising this event on behalf of the Parish Council and everyone who helped.


Road Safety Group

A meeting was held on the 9th of January to discuss road safety matter across the Parish.  The following items were discussed:

Speedwatch Training – the next Parish Newsletter has an article calling for volunteers to attend training with the police road safety team.  Once a group has been organised then training will be arranged.

The local PCSO forwarded details of two accidents that occurred over the festive period following a request from a member of the rad safety group.

Speed cameras – the Parish speed cameras are in need of review/replacement so that they can be deployed better around the village.  The Group is looking into suitable modern replacement options.

Parish Footpaths – the district councillor raised the issue of the overgrown and the disused footpaths, the councillor agreed to discuss the issue with the FODC footpath manager.


Shop on the Cross (The Love Drybrook Trust)

At the last Parish Council meeting a short discussion was held regarding the Shop on the Cross and the concerns that several councillors had received from local residents.  Dave Middlemiss agreed to contact the Trustees and report back at the next Parish Council meeting.

Dave meet with the Rev’d Clare Edwards on 19th of January to discuss the shop and its future; as rumours have started stating the shop may be closing.  Its clear from the meeting that the shop needs to appoint new trustees as recent volunteers to become trustees did not meet the criteria.  The current trustees continue to seek suitable candidates.  Until suitable new trustees can found the shop trustees are unable to fully provide the services its governing document states.

The two current options the trustees have are to find new trustees or close the shop and the charity.  Dave has offered to put and article in the Spring issue of the Parish Newsletter seeking suitable candidates to become trustees of the Charity.

Cllr John Print informed Council that the old play equipment at Roebuck Meadow play area had been removed in readiness for the new equipment being installed and the provisional date for this is 3rd February.  Also, the volunteers are working on the repair of the wall and gate at the entrance to the play area.

Cllr Print also stated that invitations to quote for the street and bus shelter cleaning contract have been sent out and he has drafted a letter to the District Council requesting the amount for the Street Cleaning SLA is reviewed.  This letter will be sent once the quotes have been received when he will have a better understanding of the amount required from FODDC.

Cllr Pam Caton informed Council that she is now cleaning the bus shelter near the Rugby Club.

Cllr Pat Weaver thanked the Council for the Christmas tree which was erected at Ruardean Woodside and the contractor for clearing all the ivy from two of the bus shelters in the village.


  1. Clerk’s Report

The Clerk reported that she had:

Completed and returned the order form to Playdale for the new play equipment at Roebuck Meadows Play Area.


Informed The Insolvency Service that the Parish Council would be taking no action regarding Land at south-east of High Street, Drybrook, GL17.


The School Room has been booked for the 2025 Full Council Meetings.


Emailed the District Council the Precept Request Form.


Order a grit bin for Hillside Road, which has now been delivered.


  1. Accounts/Finance


  1. Council agreed the following payments and receipts:


Payments made since last meeting.

Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
Big Box Little Box Monthly storage rental SO (30/12/24) £130.00 LGA 1972 s111 Projects
April Seabrook Salary BACS (31/12/24) £683.48 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
N Sargent Ivy removal from bus shelters BACS (31/12/24) £150.00 LGA 1892 s8 (1)(i) Recreation Areas
Dave Middlemiss Reimbursement for defib pads BACS (09/01/25) £82.80 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
Litemania T/A Lumalite Christmas Lights BACS (09/01/25) £1,980.00 LGA 1972 s137 Christmas
Playdale Deposit for new play equipment at Roebuck Meadow BACS (10/01/25) £11,518.66 LGA 1892 s8 (1)(i) Projects
Intermedical New defib battery BACS (13/01/25) £334.80 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
Print 365 Printing Parish Newsletter BACS (13/01/25) £199.99 LGA 1972 s142 (1A) General Admin
    TOTAL £15,079.73    


Payments to be agreed at meeting.

Payee Details Method Amount Power Budget
PATA Payroll services BACS (22/01/25) £46.05 LGA 1972 s111 General Admin
HMRC  NI & PAYE BACS (22/01/25) £184.09 LGA 1972 s112(2) Staff Costs
Richard Moore Annual invoice for bus shelter cleaning BACS (22/01/25) £400.00 LG(MP)A 1953 s4/ PCA 1957 s1 Bus Shelters
Lorraine Burke Annual invoice for bus shelter cleaning BACS (22/01/25) £150.00 LG(MP)A 1953 s4/ PCA 1957 s1 Bus Shelters
Victoria Heaps Annual invoice for bus shelter cleaning BACS (22/01/25) £300.00 LG(MP)A 1953 s4/ PCA 1957 s1 Bus Shelters
Pat Weaver Annual invoice for bus shelter cleaning BACS (22/01/25) £450.00 LG(MP)A 1953 s4/ PCA 1957 s1 Bus Shelters
FOD Heritage Open Days Donation BACS (22/01/25) £200.00 LGA 1972 s137 Donation/Grants
    TOTAL £1,730.14    



09/01/25 Interest                                             £26.07





  1. b) Council approved the petty cash figures for December 2024
  2. c) Council received the bank reconciliation for December 2024
  3. d) Council received budget vs spends up to 16th January 2025
  4. Cllr Middlemiss carried out the monthly financial checks of the Council’s accounts on 21st January 2025



Pursuant to 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and press leave the meeting during the consideration of:


  1. Council agreed by secret ballot to co-opt Joanne Bridges on the Council.



There being no further business, the meeting closed at 8.40pm