
Christmas illuminations committee 30 November 2022

Christmas illuminations committee Uploaded on December 6, 2022





NOVEMBER 30th 2022







John Print (JP) (Parish Councillor & Chair), Cathy Blake (CB) (Parish Councillor & Secretary), Mike Garland (MG) Parish Councillor, Kathy Garland (KG),  Maxine Williams (MW), Nigel Williams (NW) Sarah Lowe (SL), Rachel Ferris (RF), Dave Middlemiss (DM), Paulette Middlemiss (PM), Tom & Sarah Gibson (TG & SG – Hearts of Oak).

  1. Apologies: Dave & Paulette Middlemiss, Sarah & Tom Gibson

  1. Matters Arising not on Agenda:


  1. Discussed Actions completed from last meeting:


  • SL – Child now identified to Switch on Lights, but need to check availability, back up Child also identified if necessary.
  • MW – stated that Children’s Choir involves 9, but unsure if all will turn up. Will be OK with minimum of 4.
  • MW – unsure if ‘Santa’ is actually able to be available – will follow up with SG
  • MW – still unsure if Shop on the Cross will be Open – probably not.
  • MW – has completed ‘Santa’s Brief’ ready for evening
  • RF – Spoke with Rugby Club, but they unable to help with Volunteering for Event
  • NW – Neighbour ‘Nick’ able to help as Steward for Event
  • Need to have a ‘Lost children Point’ – Agreed PTFA Stall, NW to print a Notice
  • KG – to share PTFA stall space + lights
  • Agreed 400 Gold Coins needed instead of 300 – MG to Action
  • Butcher (Kevin) OK with ‘Switch on’ – electricity from within inside shop, will also provide & hand out Sausages and donated (Co-op) Mince pies – MG will collect from Co-op and give to Butcher
  • CB – to check about Key for Lights on Lamp post by Garage
  • NW – Santa’s Grotto (3mx 3m) not yet arrived, but company will provide 2m x 3m as back up. Should this not arrive in time to use another Gazebo
  • No attendance by Mark Elson – Forrester/Review Newspapers; but will do ‘post event’ piece. CB to take photos and liaise post event




  1. Marketing (Online & Offline) -Update


  • JP – has updated social Media
  • SL – has renamed previous online Jubilee Event page, now Christmas Event page so all should see info for ‘Switch On’

  1. Master Events List (Final)


  • NW – has updated, reviewed and Agreed


  1. Treasurer Update


  • Expenditure to date £2476.27 – leaving £523.73
  • SL – to make a final Total and return any remaining funds (Chq) at meeting in January


  • ‘Best of Luck for the Event’ – in my absence!

  1. DONM 


            Wednesday 11th January @  7.30pm Hearts of Oak

  • Lights Switch On – Debrief
  • Kings Coronation



  • Weather for Saturday – 10% chance of Rain & 4°
  • MG to speak with Judy to Open/Close Public Toilets

Meeting Closed 9pm