
Agenda for the Parish Council meeting Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.00pm

Agendas Uploaded on January 10, 2024


I hereby give notice that the Meeting of Drybrook Parish Council will be held at The School Room,      Holy Trinity Church,  Drybrook on Tuesday 16th January 2024 at 7.00pm

Members of the Council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of transacting the business as set out below.

All residents of the Parish are welcome to attend, and a short period of time is set aside for members of the public to raise questions. Please note the Planning Committee meet at 6.30pm

Yours truly, A. Seabrook, Clerk             9th January 2024


  • To note apologies for absence.

  • To receive any issues from members of the public (15 Minutes)

Please note the Clerk will only minute the public’s comments during this agenda item

  • To receive County and District Councillor reports

  • To receive any Declaration of Interests

  • To receive requests for Dispensations

  • To approve the minutes of the meeting of Drybrook Parish Council held on 19th December 2023

  • To receive an update on planning matters.
  1. DF889P0830/23/FUL – Herbert Lodge, Monmouth Road, Drybrook – Conversion of barns to holiday accommodation, erection of two holiday cabins and conversion of outbuilding to a dwelling. (Part Retrospective)
  2. P1633/23/FUL – Longacre, Bakers Piece Road, Ruardean Woodside – Erection of holiday let with associated works.Demolition of existing outbuildings.
  3. P1661/23/FUL – Melrose, Highview Road, Ruardean Hill, Drybrook – Provision of parallel parking bay to verge and front boundary of property.

  • To consider the structure of the Road Safety Group

  • To consider when to hold the Annual Parish Meeting 2024

  • To consider the donation request from the Friends of Pan Tod for their D-Day 80 Event

  • To consider adopting the draft Biodiversity Policy

  • To consider the donation request from Drybrook Primary School

  • To consider adopting the draft Co-option Policy

  • To consider appointing GAPTC to carry out the internal audit.

  • To consider adopting the draft Grants Policy

  • To consider adopting the draft Financial Regulations

  • To receive Councillor action updates

  • To receive Councillor reports

  • To receive a report from the Clerk (for information only)

20)         To receive the accounts/finance reports


  1. To approve the payment schedule
  2. To approve the petty cash figures
  3. To receive the Bank Reconciliation
  4. To confirm that the monthly financial check has been carried out.

Date of next Full Council Meeting: 20th February 2024